I was never THAT type of girl..

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I was strumming away at the tune that I just could really get right.

“Fucking shit!”
“Whoa there killer. What's wrong?”
“oh shit hey Danny. Nothing I just I have the tune in my head but the words just wont really come to me you know?”
“Its a nice melody, maybe I can try to help.”
“No thanks Dan but I think I need to do this on my own.”
“You sure because you know I am always willing to help.”
“I know but I really have to do this for me.”

I put my acoustic down and sat next down to Dan.

“So what do you need?”
“Oh what? What makes you think I need something.”
“I have known you all my life Dan, I know when you need something, so spill.”
“No I just-fine...today Cordy and I are going to the doctors for our check up and ultrasound.”
“Oh awesome.”
“We were wondering if maybe you wanted to come with us?”
“Yeah come on get your shoes on, you need a break from writing.”
“I think I do.”

it was a joy seeing my best friends going go nuts for their kid.
And after we went to the diner for a late lunch.

“So Morgan there is a reason we asked you to tag along today.”
“okay whats up?”
“Well Belinda Dan and I have been thinking of ways to ask you but I think we should just go ahead and ask.”
“So ask.”
“We were wondering if you wanted to be our kids godmother?”


“Wait what?”
“we want you to be our baby's godmother girl!”
“Wait me responsible for another human life?”
“of course!”
“I uh..I.”
“Just say yes.”

oh man...I hope I don't screw up.


“Calm down Belinda.”
“They are making me godmother! I cannot calm down!!”
“the godmother just takes care of the baby if anything happens to them.”
“they better not die!”
“Relax I am sure they are going to live long and happy lives together, all of them please please calm down before you give yourself a panic attack.”

he chuckled

“This is so not funny Robert pattinson.”
“Its adorable.”
“And why is that?”
“I have never seen well heard this side of you before.”
“I just..I don't want to...”
“I know you don't want to screw it up.”
“Yeah and...”
“You don't want to be a terrible parent figure.”
“you wont do it alone because you will have me.”

he is scary sometimes...very.

“Love me I know.”
“Stop doing that its scary.”
“I know.”

another chuckle.

“How is shooting?”
“Good nothing too scary with fans and the paps...we are shooting a love scene today.”

I pang of this unrecognized feeling crept up on me, I tried to shake it off.

“You okay?”
“Yeah yeah I just remembered I have to go finish up somethings for a few songs.”
“Belinda wa-”
“I have to go, talk to you soon.”

I snapped my phone shut.

no. no no way. No absolutely no.
I can't be.
No way.
This is not possible.
I was never THAT TYPE of girl.
No this is just me still freaking out about the whole godmother thing.

but the other part of me went


Yes you are.




oh yeah.

I just...I just I can't just get that vision out of my head him and another girl..doing that...being that intimate.

Its just his job its not like he actually cares about her.

I hate this feeling.

I know.

Shut up.

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