they say when you know..

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I sat in an obscure corner of a charming book shop a block away from where he was filming and I was wondering how I will ever leave this place?

Its secluded, quiet, peaceful, and no one really bothers you.

I read anything to try to distract from the fact that Rob was making fake love to Emilie.

I had no idea how long I was there until I felt a something on my cheek and a voice in my ear.

“Beautiful I think you need a nap.”

“Mm I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate a complete stranger calling me beautiful.”

“Well I don’t think he would disagree with the stranger when his girlfriend is indeed beautiful.”

I smiled and opened my eyes.

“All finished?”

“For the day yes now come on. I really do think you need a nap my love.”

“I think you may be right about that. Lets go back to our bubble.”

“Come on then.”

We hopped in a cab and went to our room.

I held his hands in mine and brought him close to me.

And buried myself into his chest.

“I like here.”

“You do?”

“Yeah I’m surprised myself. Its different and sometimes I could use different.”

“Different is good right?”

I looked up at him

“Yeah it is. I mean look at you. You’re different. A good different. A great different. You make me so unbelievably happy I never thought I could be, not after Nathan.”

He kissed my forehead

“And you make me feel like I’m alive again. Like I can breathe and be myself. That one visit to a bookstore can change your life, for the better.”

“I love you Rob.”

“I am so madly in love with you Belinda.”

Say it, just say it.

“Hey are you okay?”

“Ye-yeah just-I.”

My body started to give me away.

“Love you’re shaking are you okay?”

“Yes I am just a little nervous.”

“Shhh come tell me why.”

“I just don’t know how to say this…”

His body stiffened

“T-tell me what?”

“I have been going over in my head how I was going to say this but I think its just better to say it.”

“Say what? Love you are making me a bit worried what is it?”

Out with it!

“I’m ready.”

His hand snaked its way to my face and he made me look at him.


His eyes were wide and somewhat surprised

“I’m ready.” 

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now