because you know deep down inside if you are going to lose Rob

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I couldn't sleep on the plane but I smiled when I saw Rob's head makes its way onto my shoulder.

He made me happy, and now seeing Nathan just brought up all the hurt and the betrayal, and the fear.

The paranoia set in.

The best part of my life and the worst might meet, what the hell am I going to go?

Could I tell him?

Should I?

We landed and jumped into a cab.


What was going to happen?



"Are you okay?"

"I am fine."

"You have been spacey the whole way back is there something wrong?"

"I just have some things on my mind that's all."


We headed back to my place and got settled back in.

I just dropped my bag and went into my library and sat on the love seat.

The mixed emotion of anger and love, and fear were all just too much.

I had no idea if I should tell him, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Tell him, don't tell him, tell him, don't tell him.

"Gorgeous you are really starting to scare me what is the matter?"

"Nothing. I just...nothing. I am going to go for a run. I need to clear my head."

"I will just check into the hotel then."


"Why not?"

"I can't sleep if you are not here."

"So what do you suggest we do?"

"Stay here with me."

"Are you sure about that?"


"Okay but where do I put my things?"

"Where ever you want there is plenty of closet space."

"You are amazing."

"I am going to go change and I will be back in a while."

"I will just fix my things."


I changed and dashed out the door.

As soon as I was outside I just took off.

I ran until I was covered in sweat, and was breathing heavily.

I ran until my legs were like jello.

I ran until I figured out what I was going to do.

But in some weird way the answer found me.


I was hunched over trying to catch my breath when Dan saw me.


"How come you did tell me you were back.?"

"Because I just got in."

"What the hell are you doing running, shouldn't you be with Rob?"

"I needed to clear my head."

And then he look at my face and he saw it.

"It's something bad isn't?"

I couldn't lie to him.


"What is it?"


"Nathan? What does he have to do with anything?"

"With everything. I bumped into him yesterday. That cynical asshole."

"what the? How did he find you?"

"I don't think he meant to. He was weird he was just this cold, soulless person."

"Where did you bump into him?"

"At the Whiskey in LA. I was waiting for Rob so we can head back to the hotel and there he was. All those emotions rushed back and the things he did. And I just felt his uncontrollable anger for the first time."



"Are you going to tell Rob?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? I think you should tell him."


"Why? Because Nathan destroyed you."

I flinched.

"I know it hurts you to hear it but its the truth. He broke you, broke you so bad that me Cordy thought you would never function again. But here you are happy, and letting this new guy in Morgan he needs to know everything in case he finds you. In case he tries something again."


He stepped back a little.

He read it all on my face, no one could read me like Dan could.

"Whoa hey. Don't you dare think about doing something to Nathan, Morgan."

"And why not?! Why should I not make him suffer for what he did!"

"Because you know deep inside if you are going to lose Rob."

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