It can leave a lasting impression on someone

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"Get it together! What am I gonna do?"

it didn't take me long to figure out what to do.

I grabbed my bag, shades, and my keys and ran out of my loft.

I ran to where the mob was and checked of he was still there.

I ran to the back of the hotel and checked there were only a small bunch of girls there left, well might as well ask.

"Um. excuse me girl?"

"Huh? Yeah?"

"Did you know where Rob went?"

"Why do you want to know?"

gosh can they be anymore bitchy?

"Because I am his.."

shit what do I say?

"Assistant and I lost him in the mob of annoying screaming girls."

the girl gave me that bitch look.

I really don't have patience for this.

"Well Ms. Assistant he said he had to go met someone, something about flowers I wasn't paying much attention. I just wanted to touch him."

gosh what is it with fan girls only wanting to screw a famous guy?

"Thanks and oh just to let you know you would never screw you so get that delusion out of your head dear."

I turned around and smiled and then ran.

I knew exactly where he was.

breathe remember come on.

I looked back and surprisingly enough none of the crazies were following me.

come on almost there.

I ran until I saw green and then slowed down and started to walk.

and sure enough I could make him out.

he was sitting against my tree.

I didn't say anything and silently sat next to him and didn't look at him.

I heard his sigh.


I kept picking at the grass.

"Belinda look at me."

I didn't budge.

he got up and kneeled in front of me and lifted my face to look at him.

I was still looking down, I still had my shades on. he carefully pulled them off.

"Please look at me."

I sighed and looked up to meet his eyes.

He took my face in his hands and caressed my cheek.

"Are you okay?"

I became confused.


"Sweetie are you okay?"

" are asking me if I am okay? After what I did?"

"What did you do?"

"I left you-I left you there alone surrounded by a mob of fan girls."

he chuckled.

"I am use to that. It comes with the join. I was just afraid that they would hurt you. Did they?"

I just stared at this strange and interesting guy in front of me.

"I...well they.."

"What did they do?"

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now