what is he doing to me?

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"You mean it?"

I thought to myself I can't believe I said alright...I never said alright.

"I uh.. I...yes. I think I do."

I looked at my feet and I could still feel his eyes on me.

"So do you come here often?"

I nodded.

"I live just up the road. So I come here whenever I just need to clear my head or write lyrics. You know to have that quiet time."

I kept looking at the grass and picking at it.



he reached over and touched my arm.

this little notion demanded my attention and made my head snap up to meet his eyes.

who could they be that bright green?

"How come you don't look at people?"

no...not yet. its too early to say.

"I don't see the point sometimes...but you. You somehow managed to get my attention."

my phone rang.

it was Danny.

"Hey..whoa hold on I will be there in a minute. tell Cordy to get all the stuff ready to make the pie. hahaha alright be there in a minute."

I got up and brushed the grass off my pants.

my lily fell off and when I reached for it he beat me to it.


he put it back into to place...and those eyes drew me in.

how it that possible.?

"back where it belongs."

I smirked.

I started to walk away and then stopped before I got to far.

"Hey Rob."


"You wanna come?"


"Dinner at my best friend's loft?"

he ruffled his hair and smiled.

"I love to."

he walked beside me.

we didn't have to talk.

the silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

it was nice, and relaxing just listening to the sounds of the occasional car drive by and the children laughing at the park across the street.

we didn't have to talk about bullshit to be comfortable around each other.

We got to Danny's door and knocked

"Hey Morgan that better be you Cor is getting really inpatient about that p-"

he opened the door to find me and Rob standing in his doorway.

"Oh hey Mor...who is this?"

I smiled.

"This is Rob. Rob this is one of my best friend Danny."

"Hi nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Rob. Oh how rude come on in."


we walked in and Cordy smiled and gave me the thumbs up.

"Nice to see you again Rob."

"same here. "

"So you are finally here come Lin help make some cheesecake!"

"I thought you wanted pie."

"I chanced my mind come on! You too Rob come and help."

"Ah okay."

we stood there in the kitchen and gathering everything.

"Ah I have to help Dan set up the table I leave you two too at it."

I shook my head and went to mixing.

"So no 20 questions today?"

I looked at the mixing bowl.

"Well I didn't think you would answer them without clamming up."

"Just ask."

"Alright then."

and he asked the question I knew I couldn't answer just yet because...I am not ready to handle all that.

"Why do you build up walls around you and let no one in?"

"Next question."

"You said I could ask."

"Not that one please."

"Why not?"

"Ask me again when we know each other well."


"SO next question."

"Hmmm...favorite color?"

"a nice pale yellow?"

"Pale yellow?"

"Yes it is not bright but it still grabs your attention."

"Good point. Favorite movie?"

"Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightly. I thought it was so well acted and out together."

"Me too."

we continued like that while making the cheesecake.

he cheated and tasted the cherry topping

"hey you aren't supposed to do that!"

"I can't help it it looks so good!"

"haha true but don't eat it before its all together."

"Yes ma'am."

I looked at him while he was mixing the topping.

"Hey Rob you got a little something..."

he had a bit of the filling on the side of his mouth.

he looked confused

"What? whats do I have on me?"

"Here let me just.."

I reached over and wiped the topping on the side of his mouth with my thumb.

and he licked it off my thumb...I stood there with my thumb near his mouth.

no...stop....I can't help it...nor can I stop myself.

I let my hand go up a little and cup his cheek and stroke it.

and he looked at me...that look.

he drew me in and kept me there.

we stood there looking at each other for a couple of minutes.

"Hey Lin is that cheesecake re- oh I am sorry am I intruding?"

He smiled at me and I pulled my hand away.

"No its okay Cordy. we are almost done."

"oh well let me just to get into a cleaner shirt."

Cordy walked off and he was still looking at me, smiling....how can he do that?

what is he doing to me?

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