"A lifetime of good"

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"Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan! Hey look over here!"

I knew dating someone who was in the spotlight was tricky considering my track record with people.

But was something I was completely unprepared to face on my own.


"Hi Miss Morgan just a quick smile!"

"Can you just leave me be please Rob isn't even here."

"Oh come on you just can expect us to back off when he isn't here you are dating one of the most recognizable actors!"

Oh for fucks sake.

"Just remember I asked nicely now please just leave me be!"

I had to hail a cab to get me to the bookstore

I disliked getting in a cab.

I like to walk everywhere.

Little did I know that it was just getting worse.

"Hey Belinda when did you get a fanclub?"


I turned around to seem them up against the window of the shop and sighed.

"Damn it I thought I lost them!"

"So not a fanclub?"

"No just some annoying insects that want my picture for a fake story for a terrible tabloid."

"Cause of Rob?"


I walked to the back end of the store away from the windows and threw myself on the couch.

Is this going to be my life from now on? Hiding?

"Is this what you really want for your life Belinda?"

"I just want Rob. Just Rob. But this comes with him. The spotlight, paparazzi, nasty rumors and lies, but it's worth it. He's worth it. No matter how badly I want to dump a bucket of water balloons on top of their heads."

"I just want to see you happy."

"I know. And I'm glad for that. If only there was a place I could go to that nobody knows about."

Mr. Stevenson chuckled and plopped next to and smiled.

"You know there is."

"What place?"

He gave me that look the same look he gave me when I was 5 and lied about who disorganized the biography section of the store.

"No. I can't. I-"

"I know it holds a bad memory for you. But it's one bad memory compared to an entire life time of wonderful ones. Just one. Your parents wanted you to live in that house that's why they left it to you. Just think about it. No one knows where it is except for you & Dan."

"But the loft?"

"Keep it. You already own it. Just think about it. You haven't been there since your parents passed."

"i- maybe your right. Plus I can make it my own. Possibly give it new memories and a face lift."

I left the store a bit early on Mr. Stevenson's order and through the back. I hailed another cab just in case and ran to my loft.

I stared at all my possessions and thought of the situation that was the media madness of photographers wanting to get a picture of me.

Can I really do this with him?

Trying to keep everything private?

What if we have kids?

Will this be their life?

Strangers sticking cameras in their faces scaring them?

Then I stopped myself from going further.

Geez I'm imagining a future.

Of course I am.

I love him.

In every possibly way.

I can do this.

I sat in my couch grabbed a cup of something hot to drink & listened to the record I put on.

Daniel came over I was assuming to check on how I was doing.

"Hey are you?"

"I'm alive. Barely."

"Geez who knew it could get this crazy? How did they find out where you live?"

"I don't know. A neighbor must of tipped them off or something. Wouldn't surprise me."

Dan could read me like a book it was scary sometimes.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I just. I just want to be normal. Have a normal life with him. Part of me knew he came with all of this but I didn't think it would be this BIG."

"Neither did we but he makes you happy right?"

"More then I could have ever images or hoped for. I love him."

"I know you do. So where do you want to go from here?"

"I've been thinking maybe I could move back to the house. You know for a while? While all this cools down."

His eyes grew wide

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I mean Mr. S. Brought it up. Seemed like a good place to getaway. There is more good there than bad. And I just want a home. You know?"

"Yeah I know what you mean. My parents decided to hand me the deed to the house the other day. They said Cordy & I should have a proper home for the baby and I think they are right. Plus if you go back I go too. You're my family too."

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.

"Thank you. So much. You're my family too."

I got into my rarely used car and went for a drive to the neighborhood I hadn't been in for a few years. It all seemed the same and yet different somehow.

I can't really describe it.

I pulled up to my drive way and just sat in my car looking at the house that was everything to me.

And hopefully it still had some happy left in it for me and possibly Rob as well.

I walked up to the door and used my old key to open the door and stepped inside.

Everything was covered in sheets but it was all still in tact.

As if I almost never left.

My phone buzzed and I looked t the screen to see a text my Dan.

"You better look at this..."

I clicked the link and was horrified as to what I was seeing.....

All I wanted was you..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant