Haru drunk!

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Zack's pov.....
I got a call from the party Haru had to etent I didn't want to go so I stayed with the kids Hey Zack Haru is really gone he looks a bit feverish too also Zack Haru has been uneasy and looks like he has alot of things bottled up *  the man said on the phone *ya ok I'll check with him I will come and pick him up* I said we said see you soon and I got the kids in the car and myself and drove there he was right Haru looks really stressed out hey I'm here I said good take him he's been alot of work the man said setting the sleeping Haru in the car he was peacefuly asleep I said good bye and drove home Daddy is Mommy ok? Ren asked yes he's ok I said Haru got up and started a coughing fit I ran to his side he grinned and grabbed my private well driving H-HARU! I'm driving! I screamed we were around the corner when we stopped I got out and everyone else did I put the kids to sleep then made Haru food I gave it to him and he locked me in the closet and cleared his throat he was pretending to be sick I banged on the door all night.....

Next day

I felt dizzy, sick, hurting because my back was on the ground all night I tryed to bang and say Haru but my voice went horce and it hurt to move and I was weak Haru got up and unlocked why are you in here he said because little miss drunk ass here locked me in here he looked shocked he hugged me sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry he said I kissed him it's fine I said shall we get the kids he said I looked up at him he looked down what? He asked it hurts I said what hurts he asked to move I added he picked me up I yellped in pain I tryed to put Wight on my feet but it hurt to bad too my one food was twisted some how....

He messaged my back I started to fall asleep his face was looking stressed and with a bang he fell to the ground he got up and went to the kids room they had school he got them ready and had to get him self ready I was still asleep I woke up to no on here.....

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