The landlord and health espector!

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Zack's pov

I woke up to see Haru cleaning up everything I got up I could see he was stressed out I started mesojing Haru's back he smiles at me than went back to cleaning Haru what's going on? I asked Landlord and health expector is coming need to hurry and clean up Haru said he was cleaning nothing he was cleaning the spots over and over again that's enough Haru.... Just clean so we don't get kicked out...... Haru?...... Get out of the way... He pushed me and I grabbed him by the arm he slapt me acrossed the face I stood there he turned away and continued I Hurd a know on the door Haru ran and opened it and let mis. Lend In and fallowed them as the walked around Haru looked at me and I ignored him I fell asleep on the coatch the two people left Haru sat beside me sorry he said looking down I just want to stay here with you I looked at him and smiled hey babe next time tell me your cleaning I can help you out ok I'll you need to do is tell me or ask ok?... Ya he smiled I went up to him and kissed him I fell on top of him even though I felt fine doesn't mean I don't still have my fever he kissed my cheak... Your so cute good night my sweet....

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