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"And.... burr is back. Why is he the narrator?" Jefferson asked. The others, still sobbing from the last song, glared at him with tears streaming down their faces.
After the war I went back to New York

A-After the war I went back to New York
"Ofc you did. You worked non-stop, son." Washington said with a bit of amusement. He knew that he was the only one who could lift the spirits after Laurens had died.
I finished up my studies and I practiced law

I practiced law, Burr worked next door
"Really Hamilton?" Hercules said. Letting out a small laugh. He also tried to lift the mood.

Even though we started
at the very same time
Alexander Hamilton began to climb
"Of course I did. I wants to be best."
How to account for his rise to the top?
Maan, the man is
"Wait! Dorm one of you guys describe Alexander as Non-stop earlier?" Jefferson asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Yeah, I think it was Washington or something." Hercules answered.


Gentlemen of the jury, I'm curious, bear with me
Are you aware that we're making hist'ry?
"Yes, yes we where, Hamilton."

This is the first murder trial
of our brand-new nation
"Wow, Alex. You participated in the first murder trial?" John asked with admiration in his voice. Hamilton nodded and squeezed johns hand.
The liberty behind deliberation
I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
With my assistant counsel

They all let out a little laugh at that
Hamilton, sit down
Our client Levi Weeks is innocent
"Or was he?..." Lafayette asked with raised eyebrows. The others only rolled their eyes.
Call your first witness
That's all you had to say!

One more thing
"Are you joking now!?"

Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?

Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?
"Because I'm awesome."
Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?

Soon that attitude may be your doom!
"And it was son."
Why do you write
like you're running out of time?
Write day and night
like you're running out of time?
"Where you running out of time dear?" John asked. Ha,ik ton shook his head no, but couldn't look john in the eyes.
Ev'ry day you fight, like you're running out of time

Keep on fighting. In the meantime
"Are you supporting that he is overworking himself Aaron?"


Corruption's such an old song that we can sing along in harmony
"Wow, Hamilton. Just wow
And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany
This colony's economy's
increasingly stalling and
"No thanks to you." "Shut up Jefferson!!"
Honestly, that's why public service
Seems to be calling me

[Burr And Ensemble]
He's just
"NON-STOP" "ok, calm down gentlemen."

I practiced the law, I practic'ly perfected it
"Ok, you need to calm down Alexander. You're not that much better than everyone else." "It's not me! It's Lin and the person who made this!"
I've seen injustice in the world and I've corrected it
"There was still slavery when we where alive Alex." John grumbled.
Now for a strong central democracy
If not, then I'll be Socrates
"Do you even now who that is Jefferson?"
Throwing verbal rocks
At these mediocrities

Ok.. what is happening (a Hamilton fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now