Laurens interlude

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Hei, bitches🖖🏻
Yep, that's one great Norwegian word.
Soooo, I jus want to earn you guys because this is Laurens interlude, so if you don't want to read it just skip it. Ok? Ok.
On with the story
Yeah, and I'm sorry. I cried.

I may not live to see our glory
"Oh no." John signed. He knew exactly what this was.
Alexander, there's a letter for you
from South Carolina.
Alex could feel something in his throat, like a pill he couldn't swallow. He could feel the tears that where about to fall down his face. John, noticing his friends distressed mood, took his hand and squeezed it hard.
But I will gladly join the fight.
It's from John Laurens.
I'll read it later.
"You look so happy there Alex." Hercules commented. Hamilton just squeezed Johns hand harder.
No, it's not.
"What! Who is it from then." Jefferson said a little bit confused.
And when our children tell our story
"Why are they doing this to us Alex?" John whispered to Alexander with tears streaming down his face. "They are telling no our story love. I don't think they can leave it out."
Will you read it?
"Your not able to read a letter by yourself Hamilton?... pathetic." The others looked at Jefferson with hard glares, even George. He quickly looked down in his lap.
They'll tell the story of tonight.
"Why did they make him break the voice?" Lafayette asked curiously. It appeared that no one had understood that is was the letter informing Alexander about johns death.
"On Tuesday, the 27th, Lieutenant
Alex took a shaky breath. Lafayette, Hercules and Washington all widened their eyes. They remembered that date and suddenly they understood why Alexander and john was so distressed.
Colonel John Laurens was killed in a
gunfight against British troops in
South Carolina.
"But that's not fair, the war was already over!" Jefferson said with a bit of sadness. He had a heart. Kinda....
These troops had not yet
received word from Yorktown that the war
was over.
"That explains it. But it's still unfair."
He is buried here until his
family can send for his remains.
Now all of them where crying. Well... except Jefferson. Alex and John hugged like they would never see each other again. Lafayette and Hercules where have lado get hands. While Washington and Burr continued staring at the stage with tears steaming down their faces.
As you may know, Lieutenant Colonel
Laurens was engaged in recruiting
three thousand men for the first
all-black military regiment.
No one manage to say anything, John had been such a good guy. They where all so happy that they where alive again.
The surviving members of this regiment
have been returned to their masters."
"No." Lauren's sobbed. That was so unfair.
Tomorrow there'll be more of us
Alexander, are you alright?
"No, of course he's not alright. Look at how good Lin plays heartbroken. I can't imagine how Alexander felt." Burr gasped.
...I have so much work to do.
"No, Alex. Don't tell me you pushed away your family."

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