Past Mistakes(41)

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"He's trying to break my bond with my mate."

Suddenly, loud voices sounded through the door.

"Is she awake yet?!" a familiar voice echoed.

"Were not sure yet, sir" an all too familiar voice answered. Mike.

"What do you mean 'you don't know!" the voice growled. "Get your asses in there and check."

The door suddenly swung open. The bright light blinding me.

"Invy" Mike whispered.

"She's awake, Ryan." Dan's voice called out.


I opened my eyes just in time to see my father step into the room.


Chapter: 41


The man in front of me was Ryan Jackson. My father.

This dark black hair had some grey in it. His face looked like it's been through many years. His eyes, they were the same as I remember. They had sadness and anger in them, but now, they were filled with gentleness, happiness.

"Invy" my name shot from his mouth, as he ran at me. I opened my arms as he engulfed me. Tears started cascading down my cheeks.

His grip and me tightened, as if if he was to let go I would disappear.

He pulled away from me and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Look, you're so old now." He smiled as if this was the first smile in a long time. I chuckled. "You look just like your mother."

I looked down as sadness and fear replaced the happiness I felt when I saw him. I took a deep breath.

"Daddy, help me." I whispered as quietly as I could. Apparently not quite enough. Mikes head snapped to meet my eyes. I gulped. I have to do this now or never.

"Daddy please!" I started to panic as mike started to make his way to me from the door.

"What's wrong baby." My dad started to look me over as if I had some unseen injuries.

"Sorry sir, but she's a little unstable." Mike said as his death starred at me. "I think it time for you to leave, and let her get some rest."

He made a grab for me. I clung to dad's neck. "Daddy please!" I screamed "Please don't leave me with them! Please!"

He started to look panicked. He didn't know what to do.

"I-I" he started but was cut off by Dan.

"Sir lets go." Dan prided my fingers off my dad's neck. He hesitantly stood as I struggled in mikes arm.

"Daddy!" I couldn't stop the tear from falling. I scratch Mikes arm.

"Shit!" he cursed as his grip loosened. I took the chance. I jumped off the bed and ran to dad. I grabbed his arm as Dan was pulling him out of the room.

"No! Daddy listen! They're lying to you" suddenly Dan's had came flying at me. His fist connected with my cheek. His blow sent me flying to the floor.

I didn't get up. I knew it was useless to try.

"Dan!" My father growled. "Don't you dare put your hands on her!"

"Sir, she was going crazy. I had to get her to stop before she did anything you'd be sorry for."

My life is far from perfect(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now