something to be afraid of (28)

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i love the song down there. BTW

<<<<<<<<~~~~~~~~~~~ You see that button. All I want for Christmas is for yall to click it. That’ll be your present to me.

Do it….you know you want to. If yall don’t, you all will get coal in your stockings. Ok just kidding.., or am i?

Chapter 26

Invy’s pov:

What am I going to do? I stared at the ceiling as the light from outside, shined through my window. 

Last night when Adian came into my room, he kept asking me is I was alright, and what happened as he cradled me in his arms. 

All I did was cry, I didn’t feel like talking. I had cried myself to sleep in his arms.

When I woke up, Adian was beside me. I had snuggled closer to him. His grip around me tightened.

I had fallen back asleep with him, not knowing if this was going to be the last time that I would be able to do this again. 

I rolled to my side. I don’t want to go to school. I don’t want to be in the same place as him. Yes I’m afraid. I’m afraid of 'Dan'. I’m afraid of Mike and what he will do to me. I’m afraid of what he’s going to do to ivy. I don’t know what to do anymore.

I looked at my bedside clock.


School doesn’t start until 8:00am. I have to go, or ivy's going to get hurt because of me.

I dragged myself off the bed, and into the shower. I don’t want his scent on me. I scrubbed at my skin till it burned.

I grabbed some clean underwear and without realizing it, I grabbed some of my old depressing black clothes. They were loose and concealed my curves.

I brushed my hair, letting my black hair fall and cover my most of my face. I had long sleeves on to cover the bruise mike had given me, my hair covered the hand print he gave me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I traced the deep shadows under my eyes. Right when my life was getting better, something had to go wrong and ruin my life. God must hate me.

I angrily whipped at the tears that rolled down my face, and grabbed my bag, starting down the stairs. When I reached the last step, I heard voices. I instantly froze. I recognized the voice. It was mike. He was here.

I peered into the kitchen to find mike chatting happily with Adian.

“I don’t even know what’s going on.” Adian sighed. “She doesn’t talk to me about what’s bothering her.”

“Let her be.” Mike said. “She’ll probably tell you later if she feels like it.”

“I know, but” Adian paused. “She was crying last night. I don’t know what to do. I can feel her fear and pain, but I can’t do anything about it. She doesn’t know how much it hurts me to see her like this.”

“Dude, no offence, but you sound like a pansy.” Mikes intelligent response was.

Adian just stared at him. Then he started to chuckle.

“Ok, I guess I deserved that.” He stated.

I walked into the kitchen with my head down. I could feel the stares of both Adian and Mike.

“Good morning angel” Adian said as he stood up from the stool he was sitting at and made his way toward me.

“Morning Adia--” I was cut off by Adian’s lips. The kiss was quick and light, but it felt like it had lasted a life time. He pulled away and looked down at me.

My life is far from perfect(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now