oh how i hate the the word....mate(5)

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Chapter 5

Heyyyyy ppl I’m back from my little vacation and ready to write! Vote comment and enjoy German chocolate….it’s good…mmmm-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

David’s pov:

It’s been a year now since the incident with Invy. She’s changed. Her personality, her fashion choice (it’s all dark and gloomy now). She speaks now, but only when she absolutely has to. She used to cry at night. She still does but less often. I really think it has something to do with that boy Nick. One day I heard her crying in her room but she was talking to someone on the phone


“I’m fine” she whispered into the phone while sniffing. I strained my ears to hear what the other person was saying and with luck I did…thank you wolf abilities.

“No you’re not invy. I can hear you crying, don’t lie to me” what, It’s a guy?

“No really I am fine…I’m fin-” she cut off when she started to cry. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“I’m coming over” then the line went dead. She dropped the phone then went over to the window and opened it. She wobbled back to her bed before falling on it and curling up into a ball.

5 minutes later I saw a figure crawl through the window and I was about to rush in there when Invy said something.

“Nick” she whispered

“Shhh now. It’s me” he said as he made his way across the room and to invy. Invy stretched out her hands and nick took them pulling her to him. When they touched, I did see invy freeze a little and close her eyes. She looked like she was in pain. Oh my baby girl.

“It’s ok now Invy…I’m here.” He cooed into her ear.

“It just hurts Nick” she cried. “I try and try to forget but it still haunts me.”

“It’s going to be ok invy. You’re strong Invy. You can overcome anything” he said as they enveloped into silence.

Ten minutes later Invy was sleeping soundly. Nick laid her on the bed and pulled the covers on her. He walked to the window, but before he left and he turned in my direction.

“She needs you” he whispered.

“How can I help her if she only lets you in” I whispered back.

“Try” then he jumped out into the night sky.

How can I make her let me in, I thought as I walked over to Invy and kissed her forehead.

“Good night” I whispered as I turned to leave.

“Night David” she whispered back. “I love you”

I turned thinking she’s awake but she was still asleep. She is talking in her sleep.

“Love you too” I smiled as I left her room with a full heart knowing she still loves her big bro.

END OF FLASHBACK---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

She and nick is not a couple if you’re wondering. They are just friends…..close friends. I left nick alone because I know he makes my sister smile. That’s all a big brother wants. To see their little sisters always happy. Well today is Invy’s first day back to school. She has been home schooled by my mom but now they think she’s stable enough to go back to school. She’s coming in the middle of the school year. Well, wish her luck.

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