Oh Deshawn (31)

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  • Dedicat lui everybody that can deal with my weirdness

Okay guys. This is the filler. I might upload again later on today or tommorow, because the next chapter is the real chapter.It's going to be a fun chapter. Yes FUN. I’m not a cruel person. Everybody needs happiness in a sea of darkness. Including stories.  Ok enough rambling. Oh ward!

Chapter 31:

Deshawn’s pov:

“You damn bastard!”  I growled. “I know it was you!”

He just stood there, looking at me like I was the crazy one.

“Dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said calmly.

My anger rose.

“You were there every time something happened to her!” I pushed him against the wall. “Don’t play like you have no idea what I’m talking about!”

His eyes darted up to mine. They harden. He stood up all the way. He was taller than me by a few inches.

“You have no proof of anything.” His voice was deathly calm.

“I’ll get her to tell me” I threatened. “Then I’ll tell her father; the Alpha, Adian, David. You have no chance”

“Good luck with that.” he laughed as he started to walk away. “She’s not going to say anything.”

I knew better than to try and fight him. Even though he’s a regular pack member, he has power in his blood.  I would never win.

He technically just admitted that he had done those things to invy. I knew if I just went up to Adian or Alpha Jenson and told them what I know, they wouldn’t believe me without solid evidence. They are on high alert for the ‘rogues’ that had hurt her, but that’s not the only reason why they wouldn’t believe me.

After all, I’m just Rouge that got permission to stay in their territory. I bet they think I’m a spy or something.

I know he’s planning something, but I just don’t know what.

I have to get her to spill.


“Hey David” I greeted, as he let me in.

He nodded his head.

“Can I see Invy?” I asked, hoping he’ll let me.

“sure.” he said after a minute of silence. “But, don’t get her upset.”

I nodded and started up the stairs, but then stopped realizing that this is my first time in their house. I have no idea where her room is.

As if knowing my problem David spoke up.

“Last door on the right.”

I smiled and kept walking.

When I got to her room, I heard low whispering. I couldn’t understand any of it. She’s probably talking to herself.

I knocked on her door. The whispering stopped. A second later I heard invy’s voice loud and clear.

“Come in.”

 I stepped inside her room, and my eyes zoned in on her.

I didn’t believe it. The kids in her father’s pack made her sound like she was disfigured. She looked perfectly fine. I walked closer to her. Then I saw it.

They weren’t that noticeable, but you could see the faint spots of light pink and a fainted purple spots on her body. I guess her being a werewolf with alpha blood in her, had made her heal very fast.

“hey.” She whispered.

“How you feeling” I looked down at her. She was playing with the hem of her shirt. She didn’t look at me.

“Fine.” She answered quickly.

“You sure about that.” I can tell she’s just trying to get rid of me.

“Yea…it’s just that...I’m tired.” she made it sound like a question.

“Liar” I tilted her face so that she was looking at me.

“Tell me what happened.” I demanded.

she looked up at me.

"About what?"

"This." I pointed at the pink fading mark on her face.

“You know what happened.” she said lowly

“I know what mike told everyone.” I said icily. “But not what happened to you.”

She looked shocked. Panic and fear crossed through her eyes before calmness and determination.

“Drop it.”

“Invy ju-”

“DROP IT!” she growled/yelled. “Please.”

“okay.” I felt bad for trying to force it out of her.

An awkward silence filled the air. An idea suddenly popped in my head.

“The carnival!” I giggled.

Invy looked up at me confused.


“I know how to get you sprit back up.” I cheered happily. “We are going to the carnival!”

“Wait—no no no” she stampeded.

“Oh yes yes yes!” I called back. “You’re going if I have to dress you myself and dragged your butt there.”

“But de--” she started but I cut her off.

“No buts. Get dressed.” I demanded as I started walking out her room. “I’ll be back, and when I come back….you better be ready to go...Or else.”

I closed her door and walked down stairs. I saw Adian and rushed toward him.

“Adian.” I tapped his shoulder. He turned around.


“Okay, I’ve got a great idea to get invy smiling again!” I practically yelled.

“And that would be…”

“The carnival!”

“Carnival” he asked, just like invy--- confused.

I did a long sigh. And rolled my eyes.

“Okay, stay with me here.” I started. “The carnival is fun.”

I looked at him, and he nodded

“ There are fun rides and games.”

He nodded again.

“ If we take invy she will have fun and be happy again. Do you follow?”

“That’s brilliant.” He slightly smiled. “When are we going?”

“Tonight. The sooner the better, right”

“Right. I’ll go tell David the plans.” He nodded then walked away.

Tonight invy, you won’t be able to stop smiling.




Oh what is Deshawn on about?

Yea. I told you that someone is suspicious we all know Deshawn would know.

He pays too much attention to her.

Now you've learned a new thing about about Deshawn.

How is the night going to turn out?

Well next chappi you will find out.

My life is far from perfect(Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum