School (38)

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Chapter 37

I didn’t edit because I couldn’t/ cant Keep my eyes on the screen for more than a minute.

Invy’s pov:

"I don't think I can do this." I stated staring up at the building called school. Mom and Rick took me to get tested for my education level, and I passed with flying colors. I knew I was up to speed with school because I had Rylen teach me what he earned at school every day.

"Yes you can." Invy said bouncing on her toes.

"You’re only happy because you got some last night." Blush quickly spreader over her face.

"That's not funny. I couldn't help it. It’s all his fault." She jabbed a thumb toward her smirking mate. He stepped toward and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"But you know you loved it." He leaned closer to her.

"I...uh" her eyes started to glaze over as the blush seemed to cover her light brown face. She leaned toward; their noses touching.

I turned away. I did not want to see my sister and her mate makeout.

"Are you alright?" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. I looked up; his chocolate brown eyes meeting me.

"I’m fine." I sighed; he quirked an eyebrow. "Ok I’m nervous."

He gave me a look, like I was telling the truth but not the whole truth. "Why?"

Why? I've always hated crowds. I've known for a while that I was claustrophobic. Every time I was in a crowd, something bad always happed. I would either be beaten or taken advantage of. I don't think anyone would like crowds if every time they were, they were either getting hit by several people, or touch in places you don't even touch yourself. Instead I just answered:

"I don't do well in crowds." He seems to gets that I don't want to talk more about it, so he let the subject drop.

All of a sudden I hear a loud noise.

"Invvvyyyyyyyy!!!!!" I looked around to see a red head and a brunette running my way.

"Nick." I whispered. He just chucked.

The two girls bounced on me. Bringing me into a bone crushing hug.

"You’re back!" The red he's squealed. "We missed you!"

"Yea" The brunette squealed. "Where have you been?"

"I...uhh" I stuttered as the brunette kept talking sayin 'it doesn’t matter. You’re here’.

I gave Nick a look that said HELP ME!!" He just chuckled.

"Sidney! Eva!" Nick shouted. The two girls quickly closed their mouths. I found out that David made Nick his second in command.

"This is not Invy." He stated slowly. They looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Nick." The brunette said slowly. "Of course this is Invy. Unless she cloned herself, this is Invy."

"Hey girls" Invy said coming to stand beside me. The two girl’s mouth hung open. They had on that "what the fuck” look.

"Sidney, Eva this is my twin sister Ivy" she said pointing from them to me. "Ivy, this is my girlfriends, Sidney and Eva."

"Hold on" Eva said waving her hands. "So there are three of you!"

"She did tell us that she was a triplet." Sidney said looking astonished. "Wow. You two look so alike. Why couldn't David be a girl?"

My life is far from perfect(Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora