«chapter thirty-four: layers»

Start from the beginning

"Ben..." I move to put a hand on his shoulder. He turns around, swing a hand at me. I jump back,"Ben!" I call again, this time more desperately.

His shirt is stained red, his eyes dark with a shadow over them. He looks horrible. He looks dead, like a zombie or a lifeless puppet that someone is pulling the strings for.

I hear a cackle from somewhere behind him. It's the puppet master...

I know that cackle. I hate that laugh. And, even with everything that has happened, I still hate it.

I hate it when she walks up and puts her hand on his shoulder. The shoulder I was going to put my hand on. My brother's shoulder.

"What's wrong Brookie? See a ghost?" She tilts her head and smiles like I said something funny.

"Yeah Brookie." Ben grins,"Seen a ghost?"

His grin isn't a nice one. He seems forced to do it. It isn't real. I know his real smile.

But that's not what makes me cry. Hearing him say my nickname does. It makes me brush into tears because this is probably the last time I will ever hear it.

Their faces suddenly turn into a look of pure hatred.

"You shouldn't be here." They speak together like they suddenly remember something important.

It takes me a minute to realize that they aren't looking at me. They are looking at M'gann behind me.

"They aren't real." She states as she looks toward me with concern,"Remember that."

"Remember? Remember us, Brooke? Remember all of happy family nights," Ben takes my wrist in a forceful way. I wince as he does so, the pressure making my already bruised wrist hurt. How can this be fake if I can feel this?

"Remember?" Two new voices enter, and I know them in a heart beat.

"Mom, dad," I whisper, my eyes looking to them as they walk closer.

My mom is in an old dress she always loved to wear. My dad is dressed up like it was an important event in a tux.

"Come home, dinner is ready," My mom smiles sweetly at me, my dad nodding with a grin.

"No, they aren't real," M'gann says louder this time. "It's a trick, this is the first trap he set. I know it." She grabs my other wrist, trying to keep me from falling into the trap.

As soon as her fingers wrap around my wrist, there is another flash.

"No," I shout as I move to grab them, but the disappear at my touch. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out as I stare at the spots they were just moments ago.

"They weren't real," M'ganns voice seems distant compared to how theirs are. So real. They are real to me. So I step forward to try to find them, but am run over by someone.

My back hits the floor hard, knocking the breath out of me. I look up, doing a double take as I find myself staring into my own panicked face.

My hair is hanging over my face, it covered in sweat and blood. Hopefully, it isn't mine.

I-she-gets up without saying anything and runs the other way than the way she came from.

A feeling of panic sinks into my stomach as soon as she disappears from behind the corner.


I am cut off by an alarm going off and all of the doors around us slamming closed.

I scramble to my feet, going to the doors, pounding on them,"No, please. Open!" I shout hitting the door repeatedly."No, no, no, no," I whisper, running a hand through my hair as I start to panic even more.

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