Into You

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This One shot is rated M (sexual content)

Inspired by the song: Into You – Ariana Grande. Everything between double quotes " "; it's dialogue

This history has no connection with the PLL series story. Here, the girls don't know each other at all...

Into You

Emily was huffing as she got stuck with the night shift for the entire week. As a bartender, working at night would be something normal, but Emily never liked the night shift in her work; that's the principal reason why she quit to work in night clubs and accepted the job of bartender at one bar of the airport of Philly. She accepted that work as they needed a bartender for the day shift; she even found a cheap apartment close to the airport; everything was working fine for the brunette; until her boss asked her to cover too the night shift for that week. Emily accepted it as she needed the extra money to repair the heater of the apartment, winter in Philly was always cold, but that winter, it was colder than last year according with the brunette. Emily was cleaning the bar table, groaned of disgusting as some guy tried to flirt with her...

Emily's self-talk in her mind. – "Another reason, to like the day shift... less disgusting drunk guys flirting..."

It took exactly 55mn to the guy to realize that he would not get anything from the brunette beside a disgusting groan; he decided to walk away from the bar table and sat on one of the tables that was close to the TV and just focus in the monitor that was showing the football score of the week and Emily just murmured "Thank God!" for herself. It was a slow night, beside the drunken guy, there was no one else approaching so Emily decided to take a moment for herself, she took off from her apron, her most precious possession; an old postcard of California; the postcard showed the beach and a beautiful sunset; that was the biggest dream of the brunette, to one day, finally be able to get to know the beach and be able to swim on those blue waters; somehow, that postcard became her happy place, every time that she felt sad, angry or frustrated, all she needed to do was look to that postcard and all her worries just faded from her mind and a big smile appeared on her face...

Emily smiled looking to that postcard and said to herself. – "One day..."

The brunette was sitting, looking to that postcard as she was leaning her back against the bar table; she was so lost on her thought that she didn't notice when one new client arrived; this person approached to the bar table and looked over Emily's shoulder in order to see what was catching the attention of the brunette. Emily felt a little chuckle on her ear and she jumped and flipped her body towards the source of that chuckle...

Alison smirked. – "Nice postcard... a little old but nice..."

Emily was not a girl who checked on her clients but she could not avoid staring to that blonde from the bottom up; the brunette was used to see flight attendants, but for some reason, this blonde flight attendant, just caught her attention more of what it should be...

Alison teased. – "Take a picture honey... it last longer..."

Emily shook her head and blushed; she just put her postcard in her apron and said...

Emily blushed. – "W-W-What I can serve you?"

Alison laughed, amused, seeing the impact that she caused on the brunette. Alison was gonna say something but she got interrupted by the drunken guy that tried earlier to flirt with Emily...

A drunken guy approached to Alison and said. – "Hey you! Blondie! You're beautiful; are you a model?!"

Emily rolled her eyes and thought. – "This guy with that pick-up line huh... is he blind?! Doesn't he see her uniform?! God..."

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