Chapter One Hundred and Seven - The Start

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Rushing around the small cottage, Eliza quickly threw everything she thought might be needed into her bag, "FRED! GEORGE! LEE!" She screamed, "IT'S TIME!"

Two heads appeared at the top of the staircase, "What do you mean it's time?" Fred yelled back at her.

"It's time to return to Hogwarts." She told him simply. "It's time we fight back."

George's mouth fell agape, "Finally."

Nodding her head, Eliza replied, "Now get ready, tell Lee to as well." She then went into the living room, where Ginny was sat quietly, staring at the fireplace. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Ginny said before smiling sadly, "Everything will be okay, won't it?"

Eliza sighed before sitting beside her, "I can't promise you anything - but fingers crossed everything will be good."

Soon enough, the the three boys were stood in the doorway, "Have you got everything?"

"Yeah, where are we going then?" Lee asked her, "We can't go straight to Hogwarts!"

Eliza shook her head, "No, we are going to Hog's Head Inn." The group all held each other's hands and disapparated out of the cottage and into the pub.

An old man with a grumpy expression, stood in front of the group, "Who is he?" Fred whispered to Eliza.

"Aberforth Dumbledore." She replied as she stepped forward, "I'm so very sorry for us arriving like this. We got a message that we had to be here. Can you help us get into Hogwarts?"

Before he could say anything, someone else apparated into the Inn, "Oh, not another person."

Cho Chang appeared, "Hello."

"You six better come this way." The man said after a few moments silence and they all followed him to a portrait. He glanced over his shoulder before opening it, "You must go through there and at the end you shall reach another door."

"Thank you." Eliza told him while he just nodded curtly.

The six of them traveled through the tunnel, staying quiet so no one would be able to hear them and know what was going to happen. "I think this is the door he was talking about." George said in a hushed tone.

"Open it then." Ginny told him impatiently.

"Alright, alright." George told her as he gently tugged it open.

It revealed the Room of Requirements where it seemed many people had taken refuge.

"Aberforth's getting a bit annoyed." Fred said as they all began to greet him. "He wants a kip, and his bar's turned into a railway station."

"I got the message." Cho siad as she held up her fake galleon before going over to sit by one of the pupils.

"So what's the plan, Harry?" George asked him.

"There isn't one," Harry said quietly.

"Just going to make it up as we go along, are we? My favorite kind." Fred said while smiling.

"You've got to stop this!" Harry told Neville harshly. "What did you call them all back for? This is insane!"

"We're fighting, aren't we?" Dean asked him as he too held his fake galleon, "The message said Harry was back, and we were going to fight! I'll have to get a wand, though."

"You haven't got a wand?" Seamus turned to him, flabbergasted.

The twins began to tell the scared pupils jokes, trying to ease the tension in the room. Eliza zoned out from what they were saying and stared at Harry, Hermione and Ron, who were all discussing something important between themselves.

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