Chapter Twenty - Dueling Club

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Every so often Eliza and Cedric would glance at each other from across the hall and would always smile. It had been going on for the entire of breakfast and Eliza had forgotten that her friends could probably see her doing it every time. "You make me sick." Angelina muttered.

"What?" Eliza turned to her friend with a shocked expression. "How dare you say that."

Alicia and Katie both snickered. "Just go and talk to him!"

Eliza smirked. "I do talk to him, he's my boyfriend."

"Shut up!" Angelina told her grumpily.

"You're just jealous, Ang." Katie said. "Because Fred hasn't asked you out yet."

The three girls laughed as Angelina gave the girl a death glare but before she could say anything the twins sat down beside them. "You'll never guess what?"

"Just tell us." Eliza said.

"Colin Creevy, that first year Gryffindor who always follows Harry round with a camera, has been attacked and is now basically dead in the hospital." George informed them.

"Is it to do with the Chamber of Secrets?" Eliza asked them.

"No one knows." Fred replied.

Now, the first years were all moving around the castle in tight-knit groups as they were all frightened that they too would be attacked if they ventured out alone. Eliza and the twins had found a distraught Ginny, she sat next to Colin in Charms, so was upset that he was on death's door. Because of this, the twins made it their job to make her feel better, however they weren't really going the right way about it. Instead, they were taking turns covering themselves with fur or boils and would jump out at her from behind statues. Ignoring Eliza's advice they continued to do so until Percy - mid rage - told them he was going to write to Mrs Weasley and tell her that they were giving Ginny nightmares.

During this, hidden from all the teachers, was a roaring trade in talismans, amulets and other protective devices, all students were petrified about being petrified.

In the second week of December Professor McGonagall came around as usual and collected names of those who would be staying at school for Christmas. Eliza smiled to herself as she wasn't going to be staying at Hogwarts however, the Weasley's had all decided to stay rather than going away to Egypt with their parents.

A week later, Eliza and the twins were walking across the entrance hall when they saw Alicia and Katie looking at the notice board, where a piece of parchment had been pinned up. "They're starting a Dueling Club!" Katie told them excitedly. "The first meeting is going to be tonight!"

"We should all go!" Alicia said.

The twins quickly read the parchment and grinned happily. "It's at eight o'clock. We'll go. Are you going to go?"

Eliza nodded her head. "Sure, I'm in." The three then said goodbye to Alicia and Katie and made their way to the common room.

"It's creepy." Fred said to them.

"What's creepy?" Eliza asked, unsure about what he was talking about.

"How nice Katie is being to you!"

She let out a sigh. "It's because Oliver and I are no longer friends so she's finally realised I'm not stealing him from her."

"He wasn't hers in the first place." Fred said. "I don't think he'll ever be hers."

"You can't say that, you never know what will happen."

"It won't be happening anytime soon, he's still caught up on this one girl."

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