Chapter Ninety-Nine - Ending of an Era

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Humming a tune, Fred flipped the pancakes he was currently making. "What's made him so jolly?" Eliza asked George.

"He and Verity went out yesterday!" George said and Fred looked over at his shoulder at the two, "He was dancing earlier on."

"So then, how was it?" Eliza asked Fred who then grinned. 

Flipping the pancake one last time, he told her, "It was amazing. I had such a good evening, she seemed to enjoy it as well."

"Have you planned for another date?"

He shook his head, "No, no. I'll ask her next time I see her."

"Is she coming into work today?" Eliza asked him. 

"No, she's gone away on holiday with her family for a week. They've gone to France." Fred smiled, "What have you got planned today?" 

"I don't know, the three of us should go out." Eliza told them, "We always seem to be stuck inside so we should go out for once."

"The weather is good today as well." George informed him, "It looks as though it's going to be a lovely day!"

Fred nodded his head as he agreed with his twin, "It does, doesn't it. You know, I have quite a good feeling about today. What do you want to do today?" 

"Shall we go on a walk over the hills?" Eliza asked the twins. 

The two smiled in return, "Let's go and get ready then."

Approximately ten minutes later, the three of them were all ready and closed the shop up, "Everything locked?"

"Windows, check, back door, check, till, check," George ran around the area, "The only thing we need to lock is the front door."

Hiking up the hill, the three laughed loudly, "I am so unfit." Fred complained.

"It's hard to believe you two used to play Quidditch and practice basically everyday." Eliza remarked, "Now look at you."

"I know, I know," George rubbed his stomach, "We don't eat properly when you are not home as well."

Eliza shook her head, "You two are terrible."

"Terrible? You know, terrible sounds similar to terrific."

"So, we are therefore terrific."

"Terrific? Terrifying maybe." Eliza joked. 

The twins shook their heads as they continued to hike up the hill, "I think we should have another evening designing new pranks."

"Definitely." Eliza agreed, "Do you have a laughing sweet? You know that tickling jinx that makes you laugh constantly. We should make a sweet or chocolate that does that without using a jinx."

As they walked along Diagon Alley, they noticed Mrs Weasley hitting the door repeatedly very loudly, "Mum?" Fred shouted, "Mum, what are you doing here?"

Her expression was unreadable as she looked around, "We need to go inside."

"Why? Has something happened?" George asked as he opened the front door and then the four of them entered the shop quickly. "What's wrong?"

"Dumbledore's dead." Molly told them. 

Eliza didn't think she was hearing properly, how could Dumbledore be dead? He was supposed to be the almighty powerful wizard. 

"Death-eaters entered Hogwarts through a Vanishing Cupboard in the Room of Requirements. They then proceeded to run riot around the school and found Dumbledore in the Astronomy Tower."

Fred, George and Eliza all stared at her in shock, "Who did it?" Eliza asked her, "Who killed him?"

"Snape did." Mrs Weasley informed them. 

"Was he the one who helped them with the Vanishing Cupboard?" 

Molly looked at Eliza, "It was Draco Malfoy."

"Where did they go?"

"They all left as soon as it happened. Hagrid's hut was set on fire as well." 

Eliza turned around and moved so she could looked over to the sky, now the sky was a dark grey and the clouds in the sky had blackened. It was completely different compared to what it was like in the morning. But so was everything - now the only wizard Voldemort truly feared was dead. In the hands of a man he trusted and the boy he said never would do anything to hurt him. 

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