Chapter Fifty-Seven - Ronald

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Sat beside Oliver and the twins, she looked over at Ron and Hermione. Ever since the two younger children had arrived at the table there had been a tense atmosphere, Ron had a glum expression etched onto his face while Hermione repeatedly glanced over at him. "Where's Harry?" Fred asked his younger brother.

"Still in bed but who cares." Ron replied.

"What's wrong with you?" George stared at his brother, shocked with what he had just said.

"He'll probably except the full star treatment. Now that he's in the competition."

Eliza turned to him, "Ronald Weasley stop being so jealous! He's your best friend for goodness sake!"

"Well I thought we were but then he put his name in without telling me."

"Or perhaps he never actually put his name in!" Eliza told him sharply. "Think for once Ronald."

Managing to ignore him, Eliza let out a sigh as Ron left the table and slowly walked out of the hall, "It seems Harry and Ron are going through a rough patch in their relationship!" Fred said as he shook his head slowly, "Such a shame."

"Ronald's being an arse." Eliza replied, "You would think that after everything the two have been through together that he would trust his best friend or at least ask him for the truth! But no, Ronald knows best."

"You're really annoyed with him, aren't you?" George asked her, "You haven't called him Ron at all today."

"Well it's his fault for being stupid." Eliza said as she stood up and kissed Oliver goodbye before making her way over to Alicia, "Ready for DADA?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Alicia replied as the two began to make their way to the classroom, "Aren't you going to wait for the twins?"

"No," Eliza shrugged her shoulders, "I wanted to talk to you for once."

Alicia smiled, "Well then, do you have any gossip?"

Eliza laughed, "Not really, I haven't really spoken to anyone. The twins are too busy pranking to pay attention to any gossip and Oliver doesn't care for it."

"Have you heard about Cho?" Alicia asked her as they sat down in the classroom.

"Cho? Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker?" Eliza asked, confused as she had heard nothing about the younger girl. Cho was a popular girl in the year below them, Eliza had never properly spoken to the girl but she seemed nice enough.

"Yeah, there's a romance brewing between her and Cedric apparently." Alicia said, "Don't tell anyone though, I only know because I overheard her talking to one of her friends about how Cedric was very charming."

"He is very charming, they'll be a lovely couple." Eliza replied.

Alicia raised an eyebrow, "They won't be as nice as you and Oliver."

"I'm sure they will be, just because I used to go out with Cedric doesn't mean I don't feel happiness for him when he likes another girl."

"Hopefully, it'll stop him from drooling over you all the time."

"He never does that."

"Yes, he does. He stares at you like a lost puppy, as though he's lost his meaning to live."

Eliza glared at her best friend, "Oh, do shut up!" Voices were heard coming down the corridor, students walked into the classroom so the two girls began to whisper to each other, "Have you spoken to Maisie at all?"

Alicia shook her head, "No, I haven't. I haven't really seen her either, she's probably ignoring us all."

"It would be good to know that she was okay, she left rather abruptly."

"Because Percy no longer liked her, quite pathetic when you think about it."

Moody slowly entered the room and walked through the classroom, gulping down the liquid in his flask, "What do you think he's drinking?"

"I don't know, probably some alcohol. He drinks it as much as a person whose using polyjuice would."

"I wish we could carry a flask with us."

"You probably could as long as it wasn't actually alcohol!" Eliza replied causing the two to giggle.

Moody glanced over at the two and his eyes rested on Eliza, unnerving her slightly, "What's up with him?" Alicia asked her.

"I don't know, but it was weird."

Oliver let out a laugh as they walked down one of the corridors of the castle, "I thought I would hate there being no Quidditch, but to be honest, this has been my favourite year at Hogwarts."

"It's only just started!" Eliza replied while laughing.

"Well, if it carries on the way it's going, then this year will be the best year at Hogwarts!"

"It'll be your last." Eliza told him causing the two to go quiet.

He smiled at her, "Don't worry, it'll be your last year next year and then the two of us will be able to be together again."

"That's good." Eliza grinned up at him, "This year is going to be exciting, with the cup and all."

"And you know, you have the best boyfriend ever."

"And because I have the best boyfriend ever."

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