Chapter Eight - Christmas

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Light burst through a crack into the dormitory and Eliza stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly, she jumped up, it was Christmas Day! She checked the mirror and saw her pajamas which were trousers and a jumper were still straight before she ran down the stairs and then up another into the twin's dormitory.

Quietly, Eliza opened the door and slipped inside, both twins were still fast asleep. Trying not to laugh Eliza shook George awake and then the two jumped loudly onto Fred. "Wake-up it's Christmas! It's Christmas so you can no longer sleep." The two sang loudly. "IT'S CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAS."

Fred pushed his best friends of him and sent them a glare. "I hate you both."

"No present for you." Eliza told him as she stuck her tongue out.

"So immature."

"I'm very mature." She stood still for a second seriously but then quickly let out. "Last one down smells." And with that she ran down the stairs before they could beat her.

"I WON! I WON!" Eliza screamed at the top of her voice to the two older boys. "Whooo, now isn't this a great Christmas or what?!"

The twins chuckled as they sat down on the floor next to the Christmas Tree. Eliza jumped down and waited as the twins sorted out the presents. The three then began to open their presents.

Overall, she got a new pair of boots from Maisie, a scarf from Alicia, a record from Angelina, a Quidditch book from Hermione and pranks and sweets from the twins.

"Thanks Eliza." The twins said happily after they had unwrapped their presents from her.

"You're welcome." They then passed her one more present. "Thank you." She unwrapped it, excitedly. Inside was a red jumper with a E on it in Gold and also a pack of sweets. "From your mother and father."

"That's so not fair! You always get more sweets than us!" The twins pretended to pout. "That's all your presents!" They stared at her funnily. "There hasn't been one from Oliver!"

"I opened it when he gave it to me." Eliza smiled at them. "He gave me some sweets."

The two boys frowned. "Just sweets? Wow! He really has gone down."

Eliza laughed at her two friends as she put her jumper on. "Come on let's go and find Ron and Harry."

They bounced upstairs and burst into the boys dormitory. "Merry Christmas!" Eliza shouted.

"Hey, look - Harry's got a Weasley jumper, too!" Eliza laughed as the twins modeled their blue jumpers. "Harry's is better than ours, though." Fred told everyone. "She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family. You just have to look at Eliza's and you'll know it's true."

"Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?" George demanded. "Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm."

"I hate maroon." Ron moaned as he pulled the jumper over his head.

Percy then popped his head around the door and looked disapproving. He carried a jumper over his shoulder which Fred grabbed from him. "P for perfect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry got one." Eliza had gotten one on both the two previous Christmas's.

"I - don't - want -" Percy said as the twins forced the jumper over his head and making his glasses sit wonky on his face.

"And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either." George told him. "Christmas is a time for family."

Eliza chuckled to herself as she made her way back to her dormitory. She quickly changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and the jumper from the Weasley family. With a quick spell, her hair was back to it's normal straightness.

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