Chapter Three - Old friends and Crushes

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Eliza's head rested on her hand while Professor Binns went on about something Eliza had no clue about. It was the same with every history of magic, at first she would be attentively listening but as it went on, her boredom levels would increase. Eliza started to tap her fingers against the desk only for Maisie to tap her arm. "What?" She said.

"1) Stop tapping your fingers. 2) We've been told to answer the questions."

Eliza nodded her head and opened her book. "Maisie, were you listening?"

The girl giggled at her. "Of course I was. Not everyone can pay no attention in class and then get amazing grades."

Her comment caused Eliza to roll her eyes "Shut up!" She then opened her book and began to write down. "Haven't we already done this?"

Maisie stared at Eliza "No, and if you dare say that you already know this then I will hit you until you bleed!"

This made Eliza look away and do her work. She did already know it but she didn't want to be hit by the mad Gryffindor.

After completing her work, she looked around the class. Sadly, they shared it with Slytherin but now the two houses didn't seem to bother annoying the other. They had already done it for two years and what they were learning was going to help them in the future. Alicia and Angelina were at the front, whispering to each other both looking as though they were stuck. On the table desk next to Eliza and Maisie was the twins. Neither of them appeared to be doing their work instead they were busy inventing something. Fred looked up and grinned at her before going back to what he was doing. Eliza shook her head, the two were quite clever when it came to pranks but when it came to school they didn't seem to care.

She watched the two for a couple of minutes until Maisie punched her arm. "What was that for?"

"You were daydreaming again, you need to finish the work!"

Eliza smirked at her. "I already have." Maisie stared at her dumbfounded. "What?"

"How have you already done it? You weren't listening to at all!"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I had a lot of spare time over the holidays."

"Or you're just super smart!" Eliza snorted. "That's not very lady-like!" Eliza stuck out her tongue. "But Oliver likes you whether you are or not!"

Eliza glared at her. "He's my friend!"

"Yeah, 'friend'." Maisie said slowly, winking at her.

"We don't like each other that way!"

Maisie nodded her head. "Okay, I believe you!" She winked again.

"Stop winking at me! It's weird and creepy!" Eliza said looking away.

"You so like Oliver and Oliver so likes you."

Eliza rolled her eyes. "No, I don't. Okay? He's one of my closest friends. Hear the keyword in that 'friend' nothing more nothing less. Just friends."

"Keep telling yourself that," Maisie said making Eliza want to scream in her face telling her she didn't like him.

"What about Percy?"

"What about him?"

"Maisie likes Percy, Percy likes Maisie." Eliza sang.

"He doesn't like me. He never has and never will." Maisie said looking down.

"Aww, don't be like that, I'm sure he does. I mean c'mon look at you, you're beautiful inside and out! If he doesn't like you then he's stupid!"

"Who's stupid?"

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