Chapter Thirteen - End of Third Year

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Eliza stared into Cedric's brown eyes and he stared into her green eyes, their lips then pressed against each other. "I'm going to miss you." He whispered to her.

"I'm going to miss you too." She rested her forehead against his. "We'll have to meet up!"

"Definitely." He grinned at her.

"ELIZA! CEDRIC!" The twins and Maisie ran towards her.

"What?" She asked, she would have been angry but it seemed important. "Has something happened?"

"Harry's in the hospital wing! He fought with Professor Quirrell."

"Quirrell's gone! He-who-must-not-be-named was on the back of his head!"

"He was working for him!"

Eliza burst into laughter. "Are you saying, that we've hit Voldemort with snowballs?"

The twins thought for a moment before laughing too. "Wow, we are just the best!"

"Anyway how's Harry?"

"We think he's okay. Just unconscious. Apparently, Quirrell was trying to get the Philosopher's stone or was it Sorcerer's?"

"It would have been the Philosopher's stone that means you can live forever." Eliza informed them.

"How do you know that?"

"Because she's super clever!" Maisie told them.

"Yeah, so Harry went to stop him and he managed to stop Quirrell and he-who-"

"Just say Voldemort!" Eliza told them.

"It's considered unlucky."

"Whatever." Eliza told them. "What about Ron and Hermione?"

"They helped him to a point but Ron was injured, our brother helped stop them! I can't believe it!"

Eliza chuckled. "But the three of them are all alive and well?"

The twins nodded. "Yeah, they should be fine. There is a problem though!"

"What? What is it?"

"We won't have a seeker! We have to play Ravenclaw as well!"

Eliza turned to Cedric. "Ced, could you pretend to be in Gryffindor for a couple of hours?"

"I would if I could but that wouldn't be allowed."

"What are we going to do?" Eliza asked. "I bet Oliver's freaking out right now. We should probably go and help him."

No one moved. "Maybe in a bit."

It had three days since the match, Gryffindor had lost which meant they hadn't won the Quidditch cup, yet again. The three chasers had managed to score some points but without Harry's skills in catching the snitch meant Ravenclaw caught it and won the match. The whole team was disappointed and to make matters worse, Slytherin had won the house cup. Something everybody hated.

Eliza was sat beside Fred and Maisie in the hall and they were waiting for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and for the feast to begin. "I can't believe they won again!" Fred groaned as he looked at the dark green banners.

"They have for the past seven years!" Eliza added.

"I really thought it was finally our year."

Hermione and Ron who were sat opposite them looked down. "But hey ho, it's only the house cup, there's much better things in life to look forward to!" Eliza said.

"Yeah, like beating Slytherin at Quidditch." Fred said as he tried to raise his spirits.

"I was thinking bigger things! Like I don't know." Eliza said.

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