Chapter Sixty-One - Eliza, Fred and George Day

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"Morning." Fred said to Eliza as he and George sat down opposite her at the table. "It seems like ages since we last spoke to you!"

"You spoke to me yesterday!" Eliza pointed out to her two best friends.

"Yeah but Angelina and Alicia were with you and then before that Katie was with you and then before that Oliver was with you and then before that Hermione was with and then before that -"

"Okay, okay, I get the point!" 

"So, did you enjoy the ball?" George asked her, in a weird tone.

Eliza stared at him before replying, "It was very good. Did you?"

"Of course we did, but that doesn't matter." Fred said quickly.

"Doesn't it? You and Angelina looked very cosy." 

George agreed with her, "Oh you did, you two looked very happy together."

"So, when are you going to ask her out?"

Fred glared at his brother and best friend, "Don't change the subject!"

"You just changed the subject!" Eliza told him. 

"Well, yes, I did, but you changed it first!" He stuck his tongue out at her.

Eliza slow clapped, "Wow, so mature!" 

The twins stared at each other before grinning slyly at her, "You and Oliver left the ball before it ended."

"Many people did." Eliza said as she took a sip of her drink.

"But you disappeared together."

"It's good to see your observational skills are good."

"Where did you go?"

Eliza raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want to know?"

"We just want to see if our suspicions are right."

"Does it matter if they are or not?"

Fred smiled at her, "Of course it does." 

"Well then, yes, you're suspicions are probably true."

"Where did you go?"

"You know exactly where we went." Eliza told them. 

The twins watched her in amusement, "So, did you en-"

"Don't even start!" Eliza told them, "You two are terrible, honestly. Asking me questions like that, absolutely terrible."

"Alright, alright, no need to get annoyed now." The twins replied. "Anyway, it's about time we have an Eliza, Fred and George day for once."

"Sounds good to me!" Eliza said as they grinned happily at her.

As they were about to finish their breakfast, Oliver came and sat down beside them, "Morning, I was wondering if today you wanted -"

"Now, now, Oliver, today is a day for the three of us not the four of us."

"She's my girlfriend!" 

"She's our best friend and we haven't spent that much time with her recently so we win." The twins stood up. "Come on Za!"

"But-" Oliver said but no one listened to him.

"I'll see you at lunch Ol." Eliza told him as she followed the twins out of the hall and into the corridor, "So, what's first on the agenda today?"

"We're going to go to our dormitory where we're going to show you our latest pranks, considering you've been away for such a long time that you have hardly seen any of them."

The three made their way up to the twins' room where they began to look through the new pranks the twins had excitedly made, "Why don't we hang out as much as we used to?"

"I don't know," Eliza told George honestly, "We've all grown up, I suppose, it's normal to have happened."

"I don't like it." George said, "It used to always be the three of us against the world, but now it seems we never see each other properly. Eliza you're either with the girls or Oliver and Fred you with Angelina."

"There's nothing wrong with that!" Fred defended himself, "It's natural for us to all have different friends that we hang out with occasionally."

"I just don't want things to change." George replied, "I can't imagine not being friends with you two."

"We'll always stay being best friends!" Eliza smiled reassuringly at him, "Nothing or no one will ever change that!"

"We'll stick together until the end, just you wait until we're grey and old." Fred told his brother.

"Until death do us part." George said.

"We're not getting married." Eliza joked with him. "Come on, show me what this prank does." And then the three of them continued searching through the pranks as though nothing had been said. 

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