Chapter Ten - Gryffindor or Hufflepuff?

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"Will they ever shut up?" Maisie groaned loudly. "I swear if they sing any louder I will murder them."

Eliza chuckled as the twins began to sing even louder. "I don't think they will quieten down Mais."

"Can't you get them to stop? You are their best friend."

Eliza shook her head. "There are some things even I can't do."

"Do you think if I threaten them, they will?"

"Go for it." Eliza encouraged her friend.

"Fred and George Weasley if you don't shut up right this instance I will give you exactly two minutes to run before I murder you in the worst way possible." Maisie warned.

The twins stopped singing immediately. "Woah, what's up with you?"

"I didn't sleep well last night because of Angelina and I'm really not in the mood for you terrible, horrific singing."

They stared at her horrified. "I think we've had enough breakfast. Eliza are you going to come and help us with some pranks?"

She shook her head. "I can't today, sorry, I've already made plans."

The two nodded before walking off. "Enjoy then, hope you and whoever have fun!" They said in a knowing voice.

"Do they even know about him?" Maisie asked her.

"I haven't told them, it wouldn't surprise me if they did know though."

"Are you going to tell them?"

Eliza shrugged. "What's there to say?"

With her mouth wide open Maisie stared at her. "What's there to say? Seriously? I don't know know, how about you like someone and have been hanging out with them a lot recently!"

"I hang out with lots of people!" Eliza replied.

"But you don't like them like that!" Maisie stood up. "Come on, let's go and get you ready."

"Ready? I'm not going out on a date with him! I'm just hanging out with him."

"Sure, sure, yeah, I believe you." Maisie grabbed Eliza's arm and dragged her out of the hall. "Whatever you say El, whatever you say."

Eliza glared at her. "I'm telling the truth."

When they arrived in their dormitory, Angelina and Alicia were sat down doing their hair. "Morning, what are your plans for today?"Maisie asked them cheerfully.

"We're going to Hogsmeade together. What about you two?" Angelina asked.

"We're going together to Hogsmeade too!" Eliza said quickly. "I would go with you two, but you know Maisie wants to stalk Percy. And it's my turn to help her."

Slowly, nodding their heads the two stood up in front of Eliza. "What's been going on with you lately?"

"What? Me? Nothing's been going on, why would there be something going on?"

Angelina gently punched Eliza. "Oh now we know there's definitely something going on! You have to tell us El, we're your closest friends!"

Before Eliza could speak, Maisie quickly let out. "She's going to Hogsmeade with Cedric Diggory."

Eliza turned to glare at the girl. "Thanks Mais, thanks a lot."

"WHAT? Seriously? Oh my goodness, that's great!"

"So that's why you haven't been around as much. Of course it all makes so much sense."

"Do the twins know?"

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