Chapter Thirty - Fifth Year

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After finishing all of her packing Eliza changed into a pair of black jeans and a beige coloured top, her long hair was wavy down her back and she put on a light lipstick on her lips. As soon as she stepped out of the room she was met with the two twins, "Guess what?"

"What?" Eliza replied,

"We have great news." George told her before looking down the corridor, "We need to go and congratulate Ron."

"Why? What has he done?" Eliza asked them as they began to walk.

"Percy's in a mood. Ron spilt a drink over Perce's photo of Penelope." Fred chuckled, "He's absolutely livid."

"Who knew Percy would care about another human being." George said thoughtfully, "We all thought he would never have a girlfriend, married to being the best you see."

"There's Ron now, come on, it's time to congratulate our little brother." The two boys ran towards Ron and Harry.

Eliza rolled her eyes at the boys and made her way downstairs for breakfast, Mr Weasley was reading the Daily Prophet again and Mrs Weasley was telling Hermione and Ginny about a love potion she had made as a young girl. "Eliza! Come and sit with us!" Ginny called out to her.

Ignoring the three giggling girls Eliza stared forward at the paper in Arthur Weasley's hands. Sirius Black once again was on the front and she watched as the image mood and he laughed like a mad man. He looked entirely different from the memory she had seen of her aunt and him. He was a completely different man.

After breakfast everyone went into chaos, it took lots of effort to lug all their heavy trunks around and through the narrow corridors. The twins moved Eliza's for her while she sorted out their belongings so they were neat again. Once all the luggage had been moved to next to the door, the owls were placed on top, there was Eliza's, Hedwig and Hermes and a small wickerwork basket with Crookshanks was in. The twins stood either side of Eliza, "I think I might let her out, so she can fly a bit."

"She'll know where you are going!" Fred told her. "So go ahead."

The three stood outside as Eliza opened the cage and watched as her owl flew out quickly before swooping down in front of her, Eliza threw her a treat and then she went off. "Have you heard anything from Oliver?" George asked her.

"No, nothing." Eliza replied, "He's probably got some new mad tactics for this year."

"He'll probably want us to train instead of actually sleep." Fred groaned. "I can already feel the sleep deprivation.

Looking over, Eliza noticed the Ministry cars had arrived at that Mr Weasley was walking Harry over to them, "Everyone's worried about Sirius Black and Harry."

"Why?" Fred asked her.

"Because Sirius is his godfather and betrayed Harry's parents." Eliza sighed. "And my aunt."

"Then why isn't everyone looking after you?"

"Because I am not the boy who lived!" Eliza told them, "Come on."

The three got into a car with Ginny, Mr and Mrs Weasley, for the whole journey it was Fred and George making lots of jokes while Mrs Weasley sighed at her two sons. Ginny and Eliza would laugh every so often but Mr Weasley was too busy staring at the car Harry and the others were in, it was obvious why the Ministry were taking them. It was to keep Harry safe.

When they got to the station, the Ministry drivers got them trolleys and helped them load their luggage and then with a salute to Mr Weasley drove off.

Eliza looked over to see Mr Weasley walk very close with Harry for the whole time, "Right then." He glanced around, "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

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