Chapter One - Back to Hogwarts

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The girl walked confidently pushing a trolley through the busy platforms of King's Cross Station. She appeared to be normal until you looked at the contents of the trolley. There were several trunks but it was the cage that stood out. A white owl sat quietly with extraordinary bright blue eyes. The girl hummed under her breath ignoring all the stares the muggles sent her way.

"Eliza Dawlish slow down right this instance!" Her mother screeched noisily. The tall lady wore a posh black suit with black heels. Her brown hair was pulled tightly back into a bun and gelled within an inch of its life. Eliza had once been told that her mother was very beautiful but she could not see it. Her grey eyes glared holes into Eliza. Her mother seemed almost lifeless, keeping to the same routine every day. Acting as the perfect wife to her terrible husband. She would host lavish dinner parties where Eliza wasn't allowed.

"She's dying to see her Gryffindor friends." Her foul brother said snottily, and she could not help but hear the venom used to say Gryffindor. Her brother was over 6ft and according to all the girls extremely handsome. Eliza, however, thought he was one of the ugliest human beings she had ever encountered. She supposed it was because she knew what he was really like. His mousy brown hair was in a quiff and styled to the right. He wore a black suit matching his mother. Apparently, he and Eliza both had the most beautiful emerald green eyes that shone so wonderfully. But the difference between the siblings was Eliza always seemed to have a happy grin on her face while Dominic had a condescending, arrogant expression etched on his face. The two had never seemed to get along, Eliza being the brave and daring child like the true Gryffindor she was and he had the traits the rest of the family had sly and cunning with more pride than was good for him.

If her father had been there then he would have worn his black suit and cape - not like a superhero - it showed how wealthy the family were even though Eliza couldn't see why. His bright emerald green eyes once must have shown some emotion but now they never seemed to be able to show any sort of feeling.

It was Eliza who stood out from the family. Her long brunette hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She wore a short red tartan skirt with her Weird Sisters band top tucked in. On the top was a black leather jacket and on the bottom, she had black ankle boots with socks sticking out. She wore eyeliner around her eyes making her green eyes stand out even more. Her dress sense always made her mother frown but after a while, she got fed up with being ignored by her youngest child.

"Hurry up - we do not want to be late." Their mother told her children causing Eliza to roll her eyes. "What have I told you about rolling your eyes?"

Eliza sighed heavily and turned on her feet and pushed her trolley forward. She found platform 9 and looked quickly around before running into a wall.

She was met with the busy scene of platform 9/34. A small smile found itself on her lips. Children talked happily with their family. Friends seeing each other once again after the summer apart. And then the first years looking anxiously around, nervous and excited about going to Hogwarts for the first time.


Her home.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. It was situated on a mountain tall and grand. But no muggle was able to see it due to a magic spell that made it appear to be an old ruin to the muggle eye. It was a seven-story castle with towers and dungeons. And one-hundred-and-forty-two staircases. The great lake was next to the south of the school and the forbidden forest extended around the west of the castle. It was near the wizard village of Hogsmeade. Deep in the dark dungeons was Slytherin's common room and bedrooms. And the potions classroom which always felt cold. The only time Eliza went down there was for her potions lessons, Gryffindors were not allowed in the Slytherin common room. It was an unspoken rule - made by the Slytherins of course.

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