Chapter Fifty-Four - Green-Eyed Monster

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Angelina let out a sigh as she glared over at the twins, "They're up to something."

"They're always up to something." Alicia retorted, "I've never known them not to be up to something."

"Yeah, but they never sit quietly in the corner." Angelina told her.

"You're just upset that Fred's been paying you no attention this year!" Katie replied, "You've gotten used to so now you feel as though you must always have his attention."

"I don't care that he's paying me no attention, it's rather nice to be honest." Angelina said as she continued to stare over the twins.

"Really? The way you're acting says otherwise." Eliza told her.

"Shut up!" Angelina turned her glare to Eliza, "I bet you're feeling left out, considering you're their best friend! Come on then Eliza, tell us what they're up to."

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders, "They're not telling me anything."

"I bet she's lying, she's lying." Angelina said to the other two girls.

Eliza rolled her eyes, "Do I spy the green eyed monster?"

"It's alright for you! You've gotten the boy you like but me... I have to put up with him ignoring me all the time for some stupid invention." Angelina said bitterly as she began to glare at Fred again. "Just once I want him to pay some attention, is that really too much to ask for?"

"Of course it isn't. But you don't have to wait for him to talk to you, just go and talk to him!"

"Well that's easier said than done, everyone time I go to him, the two make some excuse and run away."

Eliza looked over at her shoulder at her two best friends, they were both bent over a piece of parchment, working silently which caused everyone to be confused as they were usually in the thick of it. She knew for a fact it wouldn't be anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes - they would always include her in on it. So she thought it was probably something to do with them entering the Triwizard Tournament. 

Angelina let out another large sigh, "I'm going to bed, there's no point in me even trying to talk to him."

"She's dramatic, I'll give her that."

"She's just upset that he seems more interested in a piece of parchment than her." Katie replied.

"Fred likes her but he has bigger things on his mind. Like his future for one." Eliza informed them, "And to be honest that's more important than some girl. If it came down to Ollie or my future, I would choose my future no matter how much I love him."

"That is true." Alicia agreed with her, "Maybe she's just a little stressed with all the homework."

"Maybe." Eliza murmured. "I'm going to go and see what they're up to."

As soon as she walked over to them, they went silent and stared up at her, "Alright Za?"

"Come on then, let me have a read." She told them as she sat down, "And don't go all innocent! I know you're up to something."

Fred and George both grinned at her, "How do you always know when we're up to something?"

"Everyone knows you're up to something!" Eliza replied, "Just not what you're up to."

"And you do?" They asked her.

"Something to do with the Triwizard Tournament." She smiled to herself as they passed the parchment over to her so she could read what they had written - it was a letter to Dumbledore to reconsider the age limit. 

Then together the three of them began to work together to get a good enough letter that had a small chance of persuading Dumbledore, it wouldn't work, but they could at least try. George shook his head as Fred and scratched a line out, "No, that sounds like we're accusing him. Got to be careful." Eliza glanced up to see George look over at Harry who was staring at them curiously, the young boy grinned at George before returning to what he had previously been doing.

"I think that's good enough." Fred said as the three stood up, "We're going to go to bed now."

"What else are you up to?" Eliza asked them as she raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing Eliza, absolutely nothing."

"There is most certainly something!" 

"Nothing you have to worry about." George told her while rolling up the piece of parchment. "Night everyone." Both the twins shouted to the few people left in the common room. 

"We'll see you in the morning, Za." Fred yelled to her as they made their way up the stairs to their dormitory.

Shaking her head, she walked up the girls' stairs and into her own dormitory, "DID HE SAY ANYTHING TO YOU?" Angelina screamed at Eliza as she entered the room. 

"No, not really. I still don't know what they're actually up to." Eliza groaned, "This is so annoying. I might get Lee to look around their room and see if he finds everything."

"So he didn't say anything?" Angelina asked again. 

"Geez, it's like Maisie's back." Eliza told them. 

A pillow was thrown at her, "Shut up!"

Chasing LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora