Chapter Eighty-One - New Team

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The three girls stood on the pitch and waited patiently for the rest of the team to arrive, "I can't see us winning the cup this year!" Angelina muttered, "Sloper and Kirke, well, they are not too good, are they?"

"They'll improve." Eliza tried her hardest to stay positive.

"And Ron, he's good when he doesn't think anyone's watching, it's more luck than skill." Angelina added.

Everything she was saying was true yet Eliza refused to agree with her, she was going to make sure the team was better even if it meant working them hard everyday - now she realised how wrong she had been for crictising Wood. "They'll improve if they train enough."

Alicia nodded her head, "Especially with you coaching them!"

Soon enough, Ginny, Ron, Sloper and Kirke made their way down to the pitch and everyone looked at Eliza in anticipation. "Okay, today we are going to work on our skills. We'll play as though it's an actual game, Ron try to stop us three chasers from scoring and Sloper, Kirke, hit the Bludgers at us so we drop the Quaffle."

"What if we hurt you?"

"Trust me, we've been hit by enough Slytherin Bludgers!" Eliza joked causing Angelina and Alicia to chuckle, "Ginny you will catch the Snitch."

The young Weasley nodded and then she with Eliza went over to the box with all the balls in, "Sloper! Kirke! Catch!" She threw the Bludgers towards them, "Ang, here you go," She passed her the Quaffle before turning to Ginny, "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am."

At least one of the new members was good, Ginny could actually catch the snitch, rather than being terrible like the other three newest members. With a blow of her whistle, the game began.

Letting out a groan, Eliza blew her whistle on five minutes later - Ron had already let in a dozen goals and no Bludger had even gone near the three Chasers. "Okay, that's enough!" Everyone stopped and stared at her, "Ginny you continue to find the snitch - you are doing good! Ron you will work with Alicia, one on one, she will have the Quaffle and will try to score against you, understand? And please Ron," She was pleading with him, "Pay attention and don't flail your arms and legs around!"

"Okay." He replied, he seemed rather down considering he wasn't doing a good job currently.

"Sloper, Kirke, you're now going to work with Angelina. Please try to actually hit them at her." She said tired of saying all the same things, "We're going to go back to basics,"

At first she stayed with Angelina and the two beaters to help them learn how to actually hit the Bludger and aim it at someone. "You know how to hit a Bludger, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course we do."

"Do you know how to aim?"

They stared at her as though she was crazy, "Of course we do."

"Then hit the Bludger at Angelina," Eliza said to them calmly.

Kirke went first and missed her by a couple of inches and then Sloper went and he managed to nudge her knee, "Now that was her stationary, and you didn't even hit her properly."

The two stared at her, "Do it again." Angelina shouted at them.

With a nod of her head, Eliza flew over to Alicia and Ron and watched carefully to see how Ron was, he managed to save one out of the six attempts. "Stop moving around so much!" Eliza told him, "You need to stay in the middle and then wait until she's actually thrown the Quaffle."

Ron stared at her as he nodded his head, Alicia flew forward and managed to score but Ron had been very close in stopping it, "I can't do it."

"You can, you just have to believe you can!" Eliza encouraged him, "Now, watch carefully to see where she looks and what direction she moves her arm, that will give you a better chance in knowing where the Quaffle will end up." Again Alicia scored but Ron was even closer in stopping it, "Okay, now keep your arms and hands firm, don't let them get flimsy, the Quaffle is quite hard so will be able to push your hand back." Eliza flew back a bit, "And Ron," He looked up at her, "Believe in yourself, you can do it."

Alicia began to fly towards Ron and threw the Quaffle quickly at Ron, who managed to save it and it was because of his skill rather than he's luck.

After he saved a couple more goals, Eliza blew her whistle and they all went back into a proper game, it seemed the small activities had managed to improve their skills as a couple of Bludgers hit the chasers and Ron saved a couple of the goals.

"Okay everyone, that's it for today." Eliza called out to them, "Thank you for all turning up, some of you have made big improvements!"

She then walked into the Gryffindor Captain's office and waited for Angelina and Alicia to enter, "That wasn't too bad." Angelina told her, "The Beaters improved quite a lot."

"Ron wasn't as bad as usual." Eliza replied, "He really could be something, he just needs to get rid of his nerves!"

"At least Ginny is good though." Alicia said to them, "Hopefully she'll manage to catch it really quickly so the game ends before anyone can score lots!"

"Fingers crossed." Eliza muttered as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, "I really can't see how we're going to be successful - they've all improved but the other teams, well, they're good. Even Crabbe and Goyle are better Beaters, it's ridiculous. We really need the twins right now!"

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