Chapter Two - Lessons and Trap doors

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Eliza sat in the Great Hall by herself. From down the table, Katie sent her glares every couple of minutes while Angelina and Alicia tried to get Katie to stop and be nice so they could sit with Eliza. They had originally been sat with her until Katie marched in complaining about how her room-mates had kept her up awake all night, so now she looked terrible. The two had rushed over to their friend and told her she didn't look too bad, just a little tired. As soon as Eliza had caught sight of her she nearly burst into laughter but managed to regain her blank expression. Katie had huge bags under her eyes and her eyeliner was all wobbly and over the place - after finding out Eliza wore it Katie wore it and was determined to do it much better than her, she was yet to grasp how you put it on though. It wasn't that that made Eliza want to laugh it was her hair. Her usual perfect, tidy hairstyle was now all knotty and looked as it hadn't been brushed for months.

Katie hadn't seen how hard it was for Eliza not to laugh. Instead, she glaring at her because her hair was brushed tidily back into a long ponytail and Eliza had winged her eye-liner perfectly. This had made her even more proud than she was before.

As usual, the twins had not come down yet, but what was more surprising was that Oliver hadn't either. She knew he hadn't because even though he always sat with his friends at breakfast if he saw her alone she wouldn't be alone for a second longer.

"It doesn't look bad, does it El?" Alicia shouted.

Eliza turned to her, her eyebrows knotted together with confusion. "What doesn't look bad?"

"Katie's hair. She keeps complaining about it but there's nothing to complain about, is there?" Alicia looked at her, her eyes pleading for Eliza to be nice.

She looked towards Katie and tried not to smile or laugh. "It doesn't look too bad!" She said trying not to sound sarcastic.

Katie groaned "It looks terrible then. Alicia, you should have known she would have been mean and sarcastic just like what she's always like. You should know by now!"

Alicia looked at her in shock "She wasn't being sarcastic. And when is she ever mean to you!"

"Great friends you are." Katie shrieked grabbing everyone's attention. She jumped up and began to run out of the hall. Much to her dismay, she bumped into Oliver who was making his way over to his friends. Before he got the chance to ask her if she was okay, she screamed in his face and ran out.

Fred and George walked in laughing. "I've just seen a monster!" George cried, holding his hand over his heart.

"A great big scary monster!" Fred shouted. Eliza chuckled to herself. "What's wrong with Katie? We saw her running down the corridor screaming her head off!"

"And why does she have a birds nest on her head?"

"Apparently, she didn't have any sleep last night so her make-up and hair is rubbish because of that," Eliza informed them while sipping her drink.

"Ginger beer?" Fred asked her nodding to her drink.

She shook her head. "Water."

"You should have some ginger beer, helps with the nerves."

Eliza burst out laughing. "Do you have your timetable?"

"Yeah and we've got all the same lessons as you!"

"How do you know that?"

"We know everything," Fred said.

"About everyone," George added.

"Okay then, what do we have first period?" Eliza asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Care of Magical Creatures." The twins said smiling.

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