Chapter Thirty-Seven - Dumbledore

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"Back again?" Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling in the light. "Come Miss Dawlish." She followed him to the pensieve, "Take a look."

"Professor," He smiled at her, "I would just like to thank you."

"Your aunt loved you." Dumbledore told her, "She would want you to know what truly happened to her."

Eliza nodded before looking into the pensieve where she was transported to a different time, it was her aunts fifth year and she was sat with Sirius in the courtyard. "Stop being so immature."

"I, Sirius black, is always extremely mature." He told Evelyn with a grin.

"Haha, that's like saying James isn't obsessed with Lily." Evelyn replied smiling.

"Have your family written to you recently?" Sirius asked her.

Evelyn shook her head, "They haven't, and will never probably." Sirius stared at her sadly. "What about your family? Any news?"

"They will never write to me. Regulus has a girlfriend."

"Who?" Evelyn asked, becoming more curious.

"I don't know, some girl in his year."


Sirius rolled his eyes, "Obviously. She comes from a well respected family. All have been put in Slytherin!"

"That was our families until us!" Evelyn told him with a grin. "Isn't it great being the black sheep of our families?"

"The best." Sirius told her as he held her hand.

"LILY! WAIT FOR ME!" Evelyn ran after her best friend. "So what are you going to wear on your date with James?"

"How do you already know that?" Lily stared at her dumfounded.

"Sirius." Evelyn shrugged her shoulders. "So what do you plan on wearing?"

"I have no idea." Lily said as the two began to walk down the corridor.

"I was thinking your new purple jumper would go nice with a pair of black jeans and you can wear that pair of shoes I got for Christmas."

"You've already planned it haven't you."

"Sirius told me about James's plan to ask you out and I already knew that you would say yes. So of course I already have your outfit planned." Evelyn linked her arm with Lily's. "You should leave your hair natural and maybe put on a nice lip balm so it'll taste nice when he kisses you."

"Who says we'll kiss?" Lily asked her closest friend.

"The longing looks you've been giving each other for so long now. All the time, it's so annoying yet almost sweet."

"I hope we all stay friends." Lily told them. "It seems strange that we're about to finish school forever. After everything we've been through and now it's all going to be over."

Evelyn was sat beside Lily, who was leant against James, Remus was next to them while Sirius's arm wrapped around Evelyn. "It's nearly the end."

"I cannot believe we've nearly finished, it feels as though just the other day we were all arriving for the first time." Lily said to the group. "I am really going to miss Hogwarts."

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