Chapter Sixty-Eight - The Dawlish Banquet

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"This banquet is very important to this family! Eliza Dawlish you will do nothing to bring shame to our name!" Her father shouted as she looked around the room, "ELIZA DAWLISH, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?"

Letting out a large sigh, she turned to her father, "Pretend to be like you and nothing like who I really am. Got it. To be honest I don't see why you haven't sent me away like last year, wouldn't that be much easier for you?"

"It is tradition for a Dawlish lady to go to the banquet the year she is eighteen."

"I'm not exactly a traditional Dawlish though." Eliza told them, "Oh come on, you don't see me as a true one."

"It is tradition." Her father replied.

Eliza stood up and began to walk out of the room, "Well maybe you should change things, considering times have changed a lot since that tradition started. You're both living in the past, it's ridiculous."

"Eliza Daw-" Her mother started but Eliza slammed the door shut before she could finish.

And then, she began to march up the stairs and towards her bedroom, "Always making noise Eliza."

"You see Brother, its what humans do. We have to breath which makes noise so unless you want me to be dead than I suggest you be quiet." Eliza then chuckled, "But then that would get rid of our family's problem."

"And what is our problem?"

"You think your problem is that the youngest Dawlish is a blood-traitor and a Gryffindor." She sighed angrily, "But really, your problem is that you do not like change. You are stuck in a time that has long since past."

He raised an eyebrow, "I suggest you get this all out of your system before this evening."

"Get what out of my system? Get my views out, the truth about this bloody family!" Eliza's anger increased, "I am not going to stop being who I am just for our image. I ruined that a long time ago."

"Sister, be quiet."

"Sister? Really. You call me sister now." Eliza replied venomously, "Go on, brother, show me your arm." 

Dominic seemed taken back, "My arm? Why would you want to see my arm?"

"You've recently had a tattoo, I just want to see what you got." All he did was stare at her, "Go on now, don't be shy."

Slowly, he lifted his sleeve up to reveal the dark mark, "Are you happy now?"

"Happy? Happy? You really think that makes me happy." Eliza laughed bitterly, "That fills me up with anger, you have signed away your life. For what? For nothing but some ancient beliefs."

"Don't speak like that Eliza," Dominic lowered his voice, "You'll get yourself killed."

As soon as he mentioned the word 'killed', an idea popped into her head, "Do you know what happened to Aunt Evelyn?"

"She died because of Sirius Black." Dominic replied simply.

"Did she?" Eliza asked him, "Hasn't he told you?"

"Hasn't who told me?"

"Our precious father." Eliza smirked as Dominic had no idea what she was about to reveal to him, "Did he not tell you how one day when she was looking after me, that he did nothing but betray her. He told Voldemort where she was, he stood by as Voldemort killed her, he did nothing as I cried over her dead body." She wanted to scream the house down, "It was not Sirius Black who killed our aunt, it was our father. He betrayed his own sister."

"Eliza, stop speaking his name." Dominic replied gently, "You shouldn't speak his name."

"I don't care." She stepped forward and whispered harshly, "I'm not scared of him. Now, brother, will you betray me like our father did to his sister?"

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