Chapter Seven - Snowballs and Goodbyes

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"It's nearly Christmas!" Angelina shouted.

"Shut up!" Maisie, Alicia and Eliza screamed at her before turning over to go back to sleep.

Angelina remained silent for a minute or two but then continued to yell. "Christmas! It's nearly Christmas! Oh my, I am so excited. Why are you three not excited?"

"I'll tell you why! Because it's early on a Saturday morning!" Eliza shouted loudly at the top of her voice.

"IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS!" She said excitedly but was met with three pillows being thrown at her. "You guys must really hate Christmas."

Maisie snorted. "No, we just hate you."

Eliza jumped out of her bed, picked her clothes up and ran into the bathroom. Letting out a loud sigh, she changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans, a deep red jumper and brown boots. Muttering the spell, her hair was transformed from a knotty mess into her long straight locks. When she walked back into her bedroom Angelina was singing loudly while the other two were still trying to sleep. "I'm going down for breakfast." Before anyone could reply Eliza walked out and down to the Great Hall.

When she arrived, there was hardly anyone in the hall. Eliza sat down on the Gryffindor table and started to put food onto her plate when two ginger twins sat down in front of her. "Morning."

"Morning." She replied to them. "Got any plans for today?"

"Snowballs." Fred told her, grinning.

Eliza looked up from her plate. "Snowballs?"

"Yes!" George said. "Excited?"

"Oh, definitely." She looked around the room. "Who at though?" Professor Quirrell walked into the hall and up to the top table. Eliza raised an eyebrow at the twins and to which they both nodded.

Katie sat down a metre away from the trio and she had a frown on her face. Eliza cleared her throat and said "Angelina was singing last time I saw her and Alicia was trying to sleep so they'll be down in a bit."

The girl looked up at her and nodded. "Thanks. Angelina always gets mental at Christmas time."

"Angelina's always mental." Eliza replied and the two shared a small smile.

The twins stared at their best friend. "You are such a nice person Za."

"I try to be." She smiled at them. "Doesn't always work out though."

The three hurried to finish their breakfast before making their way back to the common room. "I'll meet you back here in five!" Eliza told them as she ran up the stairs to her dormitory. "Are you guys still not up?" Maisie was fast asleep, Alicia was sat up in bed while Angelina was doing her hair. "Wow, now aren't you lazy!"

"Shut up!" Alicia muttered. "I'm so tired."

"Go to sleep then." Eliza replied.

"I think I might."

"No, you will not!" Angelina told her friend. "You are not leaving me all by myself."

Eliza laughed as she put her coat, scarf and gloves on. "Katie's in the hall by herself or you could just come outside with the twins and I. I'm sure you'd love that."

"Why would I love that?" Angelina said, becoming defensive.

"Well, you know, Fred Weasley will be there."

"Haha, hilarious." Angelina told her while laughing awkwardly.

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "I'll see you later." She then walked back down into the common room and waited for the twins to arrive. "Ready?" She asked them as they ran towards her.

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