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We were so comfortable we didnt even turn our heads when Zayn walked through the door. I felt like I had just eaten a Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner in one sitting. Harry had made an amazing meal, and I had swallowed every bit of it. As did he. I think he'd shocked himself with how good the food was. It was quite funny watching his eyes go wide when he tasted the first bite.

It hadnt even registered in my brain that the door had shut and Zayn was standing watching us in amusement. He cleared his throat, prompting Harry and I to turn our heads lazily.

"They're usually a lot friendlier than this," Zayn trailed off chuckling and shaking his head at us.

Who the hell is he talking to? I thought to myself, until I sat up properly and saw a pretty brunette standing very close to him. My eyes went wide, as I straightened up on the couch, flattening my surely messy hair. I nudged Harry hard, who hadn't bothered to look over again.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" He glared at me, rubbing his arm. I nodded my head towards the door, where he looked, still rubbing his arm with a frown on his face. However, it quickly changed when he saw his best mate, and a girl standing watching with smiles on their faces. Surely laughing at the two of us no doubt.

Harry stands quickly dapping Zayn up, and looking at the still unknown woman next to him. I follow suit and give Zayn a hug, and stand next to Harry quietly. Finally, Zayn speaks up shaking his head at us again.

"Guys, this is Rae." He gestures to the beautiful girl. "Rae, this is Harry and Emilia my best mates," she smiles, holding her hand out for both of us to shake.

"Hi, wow, so nice to meet you. You're gorgeous," I compliment, as Harry introduces himself as well. She blushes, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You too," she responds, and I scoff jokingly.


I don't know what movie is playing right now but I can't even pay attention. Zayn and Rae joined us with popcorn and beer, snuggling up together on the small chair in the living room. I smile at them as they curl into each other, almost wishing I had someone to cuddle with. I then look down at Harry, who is sipping a beer, and typing on his phone.

He sets the beer down, stuffing his phone into his pocket and getting more comfortable. He somehow manages to stretch his lanky body across the length of the couch. His head falls into my lap, as he crosses his arms across his chest, curling more into my lap.

My stomach drops with tingling butterflies, as I feel the rise and fall of his breath in rhythm with mine. Suddenly everything feels extra loud around me and I dont know what to do. Every time I chew a piece of popcorn it sounds like someone is scratching their nails down a chalkboard. I go to swallow and it sounds like a crashing wave.

My heart is suddenly beating rapidly and I feel like everyone can hear it. My pulse is racing and soon I feel my breathing begin to increase. I try to relax and take deep breaths, but I don't know what is happening. Harry and I cuddle and lay on eachother all the time and this never happens. I don't understand what my body is doing.

Soon Harry gets up to use the bathroom and it takes everything for me to not sigh in relief. I watch as he walks away, and make eye contact with Zayn who is giving me a sympathetic smile.

I try to return a confused glare but it doesn't work, so I turn away.

The movie, or show, or whatever we were watching is over by the time Harry comes back and takes a seat next to me. He relaxes his back into the couch, as I do the same, his arm reaching around to rest behind me.

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