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"Alright, one more set ladies. High knees, make sure your elbow touches your knee." I instructed, my all woman's workout class. I observed as they all did the leg exercise, walking around and fixing anything that looked wrong.

The gym was like my sanctuary, I wasn't beefed up like other guys here but I was pretty fit. As soon as my best mate Zayn and I had moved down here and found out there where spots open for personal trainers and class instructors we both applied. We were fitness freaks, and rightfully so.

I made my way back to the front of the room, as they all clapped when the song came to an end.

"Great job today, I'll see you all on Thursday," I shouted, walking away to the wall to retrieve my bags and water. Just as I was walking out Justine approached me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her extremely tight tank top and spandex shorts.

She stood in front of me, blocking my path, her smile mischievous, as I waited for some inappropriate comment to leave her mouth. It was like a routine with this woman. After every class she would make some attempt to "seduce me" or get me in to bed. It never worked and I always turned her down, yet somehow she continued to try her luck.

Now I understood what girls meant when they said guys can't take no for an answer, because apparently some women couldn't either.

"Harry wait up, I think I might've pulled something back here during that last set." Her hand pointing to a spot at her lower back.

"Maybe you could help me stretch it out," she purred, her hand leaning in to rest on my arm. I looked away from her noticing Zayn standing in the doorway with an amused smirk on his face.

I ignored her advance speaking as politely as I could.

"If you come to class about 20 minute early, a few of the other girls stretch. Maybe that'll help you out," I said, brushing past her, not caring at all about the shock on her face at my denying her throwing herself at me.


"I don't think it's possible for her to want you more," Zayn laughed as we made our way out of the gym and to our cars.
"I'll meet you back home," he yelled, as he drove off.

We'd both been working at this gym for about 3 months, and from the first time Justine saw me she had been making any effort she could to try and get me alone. I'd denied her every time, but damn she was persistent. She wasn't an ugly girl but she wasn't real. What do I mean you ask?

Hair, boobs, eyes, nails, and who knows what else were all paid for . She was artificial, she was a human Barbie and it was a turn off. I needed a girl with natural beauty; a woman that needed little to no effort to look amazing.

She wore contacts, which don't get me wrong is ok if you don't like glasses. But if your eyes are naturally brown, why get blue contacts. What do you need a boob job for? And how many spray on tans can you get before you finally admit to yourself you look like a wrinkly orange?

I hopped in my truck driving out of the parking lot and into traffic; driving the short distance to Zayn and I's flat.


"We should go out this weekend mate. Get some chicks, we've done absolutely nothing since we got here. "   Zayn said walking into the flat .

I glanced at him as I willed myself to get up from the couch. He was right, all we'd done was go to work, order take out and stay home. Maybe we did need to explore the city a bit more. I shrugged, nodding my head.

I mean why not? Obviously there were things to do. We'd both been asked out multiple times. It could be fun.

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