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I groaned loudly, trying but failing to bury my head deeper into my pillow. Loud bagging could be heard at the front door, making we wonder who the fuck it was. I willed my body to ignore it as the once quiet apartment was interrupted from its peace, but the banging continued. I forced myself out of bed, trudging grumpily to the door, swinging it open, ready to punch whoever was standing on the other side. Emilia stood breathing heavily, eyes wide, as she stared back at me. I didn't even have the energy to greet her as she walked inside and past me, without so much as a hello.

"The fuck Emilia. You've got a damn key." I grumbled, running a hand through my hair and walking silently back to my room. I didn't even check to see if she was following after me, I just wanted to get back to sleep as soon as possible. After my nightmare about her last night I had tried and failed to fall back asleep on the couch. By the time by body just couldn't stay awake anymore it was 7 AM. oh, did I mention I'd had an 8 Am class?

I was exhausted and had to call and let the gym know to cancel all my classes today. I'd barely be awake, not to mention I'd have absolutely no energy to deal with all the horny moms in that place today.

But had I known what Emilia was coming to tell me, I would've preferred to have been at work.

I slipped back into the warm bed, watching the crazy girl i called my best friend pace frantically in front of me.

I was sure any other person could read the irritation on my face at being woken up. Or perhaps at the fact that I was hopelessly in love with my best friend and I couldn't tell her. Normally she could sense my mood and drill me about it until I gave in, but today she seemed all over the place. So I watched, bored, as she paced back and forth in front of the bed, waiting for her to speak.

"I have a date and I am freaking out!" She yelled, my eyes widening as I say up against my head board. Did I just hear her correctly or was I that tired.

"A date?" I was quiet as I spoke,  repeating the question, clearing my throat and speaking again in a louder voice. "I mean, um, a date? But you don't-"

"I know, I know," she cut me off shaking her head.  I held my expression together hoping that the anger that was slowly rising in my body wasn't showing on my face. A fucking date? With who? Some random bloke that probably just wanted to fuck her then leave her hanging. Since when did she even date?

I watched her as she dazed off pacing erratically again, her mind probably going into overdrive with thoughts. Finally I'd had enough of watching her, as I walked over to her grabbing her shoulders to stop her. I stared into her eyes, as she took a deep breath trying to relax herself .

"Ok, so this really hot guy came by the cafe today and we went for coffee right?" She asked not waiting for me to respond, as I took a seat on the edge of my bed in front of her.

"So we went for coffee and I told him I didn't date. But then oh my God, he was so amazing and charming and I couldn't say no. So now here I am, coming to you for help, because fuck Harry I don't know how to do this. I don't remember, I mean, it's been so long since I've given any guy the time of day. I mean you know, no offense," She mumbled, biting her lip, as she looked at me stopping her rambling. I cleared my throat loudly, gathering myself before I replied. I didn't want to seem overprotective and give away the fact that I was totally against this. But not because she was my bestfriend, but because it should've been me she was freaking out about.

"Um, ok, so what am I supposed to be doing?" I asked, seeming as if I didn't care at all about this so called date she had. She rolled her eyes, as I shrugged carelessly at her.

"Haz! I just need you to tell me how this works again. "

Emi had left my apartment about an hour ago, to get ready for her stupid date. I hadn't been able to go back to sleep, thoughts of her and this complete stranger plaguing my mind. I couldn't get her out of my head after the awful nightmare I'd had last night either .

Pouring my feelings out to her, only for her to not return them. It hurt in the dream and I could only imagine how it would feel face to face. I sat in the living room inhaling the illegal drug, enjoying the way my body felt like it was suddenly floating on a cloud. I was never a smoker, but the stress that I felt couldn't be handled any other way. It was better than drinking right?

I'd dipped my sneaky hands into Zayns secret stash behind the shoes in his closet, which he thought I didn't know about. I didn't have any second thoughts, before I lit up the small, tightly rolled joint between my fingers. The potent smell filled the apartment, my eyes lazily staying open, as I took slow and deep drags. Why didn't I do this more often? Now I understand why Zayn enjoyed it so much. This shit felt damn good. I giggled, yes giggled to myself, as the drug took over all my senses.

My reflexes weren't fast enough to react, as the front door opened, a sweaty Zayn walking in. His eyes narrowed once he realized what was happening, closing the door quickly behind him. I smiled lazily, as he walked closer to me, holding out the little bit that was left in my fingers towards him.

"How'd you find that?" I shrugged, taking another drag when he didn't take the joint from my hands. He walked slowly towards me, eyeing my state in curiosity. He took a seat beside me, as I finished off the joint, my head leaning against the back of the couch. I was gone, and it felt fucking great.

"It's my fault," I spoke after a long silence. Zayn looked at me with a raised brow. I just smiled, taking my time before explaining myself. My brain was moving quite slow at the moment with forming words .

"Emi, she's gotta date tonight. I sent her off to go fuck some bloke, she met today. I should've told her, but I was so mad. She doesn't date Z, she told us so remember?" My voice was similar to a child who's mother had told him he couldn't have dessert after dinner. I was sad , heartbroken, and high off my ass. Get me drunk and I'd be the whole single on Valentine's Day package. Well, I'd also need some ice cream and/or chocolate.

Zayn clapped a hand on my back sympathetically, turning towards me on the couch.

"I know you're hurting mate, but it's not your fault. You made the right choice. It would've just confused her and this friendship you've built would've been all for nothing. " his voice was soft, and understanding, but still firm as he spoke to me. He was right, he was always right. If I told her how I felt now, it would ruin everything.

After all it was only a date, he could be a complete twat and she'd come running back over to my arms for comfort. Complaining about how this is why she didn't date and it was a mistake to go out with him . I guess that was a silver lining I was hoping for .

"I need to get laid," I smiled at my bestfriend, who just nodded his head in agreement.

The small room was thick with the scent of stale cigarette smoke, alcohol, and sweat. It was sickening, but it was exactly what I needed right now. Zayn nudged my shoulder, nodding his head in the direction of two blondes at the bar. I made my way over, Zayn hot on my tracks as we approached them. I held my hand out with a small smile.





Thanks for reading! Also, I do not smoke, I just found it necessary for this chapter, it fit right in. And we all know Zayn does so it made sense, ahah. Anyway comment/vote.

Go read my other story 'Seduce Me'

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