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My body ached as I stood under the scalding hot water of my shower.

I loved my job.

I loved helping people reach their body goals. 

I loved teaching woman how to defend themselves.

But it took a toll on  me as well. I let the water run over me, leaning my head against the cold tile of the shower. I watched as the soap swirled down the drain at my feet, closing my eyes and reveling in the way the heat massaged my muscles.

I stood in the water for as long as I could until Zayn knocked on the door.

"H? Mate I'm starving and we've got absolutely no food. One of the guys at the gym told me about this place, Waltons? "

"Sounds good, gimme a sec," I called back, washing my hair once I heard the door close.


I looked around the open space of the restaurant as we stood waiting to be sat. The tables were spread throughout the entire space, an open bar sitting at the back of the place open to the customers.

"Right this way gentlemen ." A man said, as we followed him  to a table, passing two dysfunctional looking couples  and a woman who sat by herself.

I glanced over the menu, impressed with the decent choices and prices that went along with them. I read over the entrees once the waiter left with our drink orders . I read over what was in the stuffed baked chicken, as the woman we'd passed walking in earlier left passing by our table. Though I could only get a glance at the back of her head, I looked up as Zayn spoke.

"Dude, that's the chick I was telling you about the other night." I gave him a confused look.


He rolled his eyes, "remember that coffee shop I told you I stopped at the other night? That was her." I shrugged not remembering the conversation at all, telling the waiter my order, and nursing my cold glass of Bacardi.

I laughed as Zayn told me about one of the two women in his class at the gym. I always said it was a bad idea to try and date anyone you worked with. Not to mention we both had bad experiences when it came to women in general but anytime we dated a woman we worked with it always ended terribly.

"What happens every time we meet someone we think is decent from work?" I asked , our waiter saving him  from responding as our food was set on the table .

I shook my head as we ate remembering the last double date we'd had together.  It was after a self defense class, they were best friends just like us, about a few months or so apart. They'd invited Zayn and I over to their place. Everything was great, they were hot.


Harry's Flashback

"Hey, guys come on in." The older brunette, Melissa ushered us in. We sat on the couch, making ourselves comfortable.

"Hey Melissa? " Rebecca spoke, "Lets get these handsome boys some wine. We'll be right back." I looked around, fidgeted with my pants while they were gone.

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