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My breathing was short and heavy as I hit the punching bag. My legs moving swiftly beneath my body. Zayn held it still with ease, egging me on for stronger punches. I grunted as I connected with the bag repeatedly , turning to kick  it.

"Alright, spar." Zayn spoke, slipping the sparring pads onto his hands. He jabbed at me quickly, as I ducked and connected with his hands with ease. We danced around, sparring together for another 30 minutes before sitting to take a rest.

I gulped down my water, Zayn doing the same as we sat in the gym at 1 in the morning. I sighed, as I glanced at my best mate, his eyes meeting mine in question.

"What happened to that girl you brought home last night?" He chuckled shrugging.

"We did our business and then she left. Though I bet she would've stayed had you paid any bloody attention to her friend." My eyebrows raised as I thought about the club that night. Watching Zayn and Liz hit it off while I showed absolutely no interest in Jean. I was still apologetic for that and wished I could apologize to her properly.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

Zayn rolled his eyes, punching my shoulder.

"So what's with the other chick? Milly?"

I smiled as I thought about her. God she was gorgeous, and she hadn't left my mind since she left our flat this morning. I was a hopeless romantic and knew when I saw something I wanted I had to have it. And I wanted her . She'd drawn me in unintentionally at the club, moving and dancing perfectly in sync with the music.

I felt like we were suppose to meet. Like somehow fate had brought us together. Zayn had always joked about how much of a sissy I was for believing in the soulmate crap. But I didn't care, I believed in true love, and love at first sight. Well sort of, maybe not quite that last one, but everything else.

"I don't know, she's hot," I replied nonchalantly, but Zayn was my best mate and I knew I wouldn't get away with that shitty answer.

"Hell yes, I thought I was gonna have to undress you both myself and push you into the room."

"She passed out." I said shortly, waiting for him to catch on to what I was saying. I shook my head thinking about how ready I was for her. I felt like it'd been so long since I'd had sex, I was starting to wonder if they'd changed it.

(Friends reference. Lol)

"What?" I glanced at my friend reading his confused face.

"Did you think I just brought some random drunk chick home and let her pass out on our couch? I went to grab a condom, but by the time I came back she was passed out. You should've seen her." Zayn laughed, I shook my head thinking how ready she was and how ready I was. His eyes crinkling closed as he listened to my words.

"Yeah but you got her number. Have you called yet?"

"What ? No, I can't call the same day," I scoffed, getting up to gather my stuff as we prepared to leave . That would make me seem desperate, and also clue her into the fact that my life was quite boring.

"Fine then text her."

I considered it, following Zayn out to his car and into the freezing cold air. I sat quietly in the passenger seat of Zayns Land Rover, pulling my phone out from the pocket of my gym bag, spinning it in my hands.

I pulled up her name in the text box, my fingers hovering over the screen, sighing as I began typing before I changed my mind.

To: Emi 2:00 AM

Hey, it's Harry. Was wondering if you're free this week? Give me a call sometime.

I pressed send wanting to punch myself when I remembered what time it was. Jesus fuck, Harry way to go.


I rubbed my eyes, as I woke up, looking around my room, my mind drifting back to early this morning when I remembered I'd texted Emilia .  I sat up reaching over to my phone, frowning when I saw I had no notifications from her .

I got up swinging my legs over the edge of my bed, getting ready for the day. I checked my phone every minute getting more and more worked up from her lack of response. I checked it after I showered, after I ate, and right before my 8 AM class started. I was getting anxious and wondered if she even gave me her real number to begin with.

I rolled my eyes, turning the device off finally giving up.

I powered through all my classes . Avoiding getting hit on by all the soccer moms and the fake blondes that still used daddy's credit cards, until finally it was time for lunch.

I walked into the Panera just across the street from the gym. Sitting at a small table in the corner after ordering . I pulled my phone out switching the device on my eyes widening when I saw the notification from her.

From: Emi 9:50 AM

Can I call you now?

That was sent nearly 2 hours ago. I replied with a simple yes, watching
my  phone closely until finally it began to vibrate on the table loudly.

I cleared my throat before answering , trying to seem normal.


"Hi. Harry, I got your text." Her voice was soft and sweet, as she spoke, making me smile in response.

"I'm free, this week if you were still interested in hanging out."

Of course I am, I wanted to scream at her. Deciding better of it, and answering like a normal person.

"Yea, ok, yeah that's great. "

We talked for a few minutes before she said she had to get ready for work. I let her go, pumping my fist in excitement  and finishing up my lunch. 


Short and sort of boring chapter but I just needed it as a filler. Still though if you're enjoying the story so far please! I love to hear it x

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