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My brain was in overdrive as I heard Bryan yell at her from inside. I knew she was silently pleading with me to leave. I knew she didn't want me to get involved. It was a best friend thing, we could communicate with no words.

But despite that fact I wasn't listening. She was completely mad if she thought I'd turn around and walk away. All I saw was red as my fist connected with his jaw. Red clouded my vision, then after awhile he became a regular old punching bag. I was no longer hitting a person. It was silence, the only sounds being that of his bones cracking, and the few hits he was getting on me.

My side caved in a bit, as he delivered a particularly hard blow to the side of my ribs.

I didn't hear her screaming, or crying. The next thing I remembered was my best mate picking me up and throwing me off of the bloodied mess of a man. Zayn threw my body into the wall hard, yelling at me to back off. My eyes wouldn't allow me to see as Zayn pointed to the door, Bryan walking past me. Zayn then came to stand in front of me, his lips moving but no words came out.

But I winced when he offered a lite slap to my face and all sound came crashing back as if I'd momentarily lost my hearing.

"H? Fucks sake mate, are you alright? What the hell happened?" I shake my head, my mind still cloudy, spots of red still clouding my vision. I want to respond, but my brain isn't working fast enough. My mouth isn't moving but I want to speak.

Zayn gives me a confused look, that soon turns into sympathy. He pats my shoulder, turning my body towards the bathroom.

"Get yourself cleaned up I'll see about Milia," I subtly nod as I drag my feet, but I'm not sure if he even saw. I shut and lock the door behind me, turning the water on. It's freezing cold but it works as I splash it onto my face. It was like a shock, the cold temperature booting my body back up to normal like a fresh pair of batteries. I let it warm up a little as I found a clean rag to tend to my cuts.

Only a few littered my face, but my knuckles told a different story. Wincing as I applied pressure, removing the dry blood, and peeled skin. I reached up to grab the bottle of rubbing alcohol from the cabinet to better clean the wounds. I washed myself as best I could with the water first, hissing at the sting of just the water. Changing my mind, I placed the bottle of alcohol back in the cabinet. If water stung, alcohol would be a bitch.

Sighing, I looked at the bruises forming on my body. Cuts that would heal quickly but leave a permanent scar. I don't know how long I stood in the bathroom or when I came out. But when I saw her, crying, that she was hurting, and it was my fault. I scared her, she's probably terrified of me. My inner thoughts ceased though when I felt her small body collide with mine. Her arms wrapping around my waist in a tight embrace. I grunted in pain from the pressure, but it was worth it.


"What happened?" Zayn asked, as he takes a seat on the coffee table, gently pressing the wrapped bag of ice on the now purple bruise on my hand. I grit my teeth as the cold touches my skin, my knuckles turning white as I grip the back of the couch. Sighing, I relax back into the couch as the cool temperature begins to loosen and ease the pain in my side. Its silent for awhile as Zayn and Emilia patiently wait for me or her rather her to answer the question.

I squint my eyes, Emilia's eyes avoiding mine, Zayns eyes darting between the two of us in confusion. I narrow them, as she remains completely silent. We all sit staring at eachother until she finally speaks up.

"Um, I don't really know." She shrugs, moving her hair behind her ear, nervously.

"Milia, you called me screaming and crying. You were completely out of it by the time I rushed over. Only to see my best mate beating the shit out of someone."

My eyes close, as Zayn speaks, the fight now catching up and taking a tole on my body.

"Harry was just protecting me, I-- I don't know Z Ok? I called him because I missed my bestfriend and he just came at a bad time. Bryan was--" Emilia continued to explain to Zayn what had happened, her words slowly lulling me to sleep.


"Get off him! No, stop, call the police someone please!" she yells, her face red and screaming as I continue to hit Bryan. I don't stop, even when I see the flashing red and blue lights. I don't stop until I feel my body being pulled away, and I'm on the ground. The weight of two men holding me down, as I fight and kick. My arms are being pulled behind my back, and I can feel the cool metal against my wrists.

My vision is blurry, but its clear enough to see her sitting in the back of an ambulance, next to him. His face was in her small hands, as the EMT checked him out.

My head was pounding, my arms thrashing, legs kicking, fiercely. My body was sticky with sweat, as I screamed out in pain, from the pressure in my ribs. I sat up straight on the couch, coming face to face with my beautiful girl.

"Harry!? H, what is it? It was only a nightmare. Oh God, shh, relax, I'm here," she soothed as my breathes came out in short puffs. Until I realized it was only getting more painful, and it felt like my chest was caving in.

"Eh-me, I-can't, help," I managed to puff out. Her eyes widened, at my state laying me back onto the couch softly.

"Harry, try not to talk ok? You have got to go to the hospital, something seems really wrong," I shook my head quickly. I was a man, I didn't need to go to the hospital I was fine. But then I realized that she was walking away to get changed, because I hadn't said a word.

I couldn't talk.

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