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3 weeks later

From Harry:

To Harry:

From Harry:
Yes, I am coming up there.

To Harry:
Harry no! You're going to embarrass me!

I tried to keep from giggling as I hid my phone behind my apron to text. It had been a month since I'd "friend zoned" Harry and it seemed like the best idea I'd ever had.

We had somehow managed to get so close in the short period of time it was like we'd know eachother since grade school. He would either stay at my place or me at his with Zayn as well sometimes. Zayn was still with Liz so it helped that Harry and I had eachother and sometimes we'd all go out.

But for awhile it was just me and the curly headed freak that made me laugh and smile. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't forgot what it felt like to have someone care and love you so much they'd put you before anything else. Thats what Harry and I were to eachother so far. We didn't quite know everything about eachother but we had time to learn.

I loved his company, knowing I could call him for anything and he could do the same with me. I looked up quickly at the sound of someone clearing their throat, stuffing my phone into my back pocket. The older woman gave me a sour look as she told me her order, and handed me her money.

I smiled sweetly despite her attitude, my eyes catching the green of Harry's as he stood behind her. I bit my lip to keep from laughing as he made sexual gestures with his hands and body behind the old lady. I snorted as he brought his fist towards his mouth poking the inside of his cheek in and out in a motion that meant blowjob.

I covered my mouth with my hand as the lady glared, and grabbed her coffee from my coworker with a scoff. I burst out laughing as Harry walked to the counter, kissing my cheek.

"Louise." He grinned, I cringed at the use of my middle name.

"Edward." I shot back, his lips turning into a grimace making me laugh.

"Honestly what the bloody hell were our parents thinking?" He scoffed jokingly, as I smiled. I leaned over the counter with a sigh as he followed my actions staring into eachothers eyes.

"You're weird."

"You love it."

"I don't get off for another hour." He shrugged, leaning back and glancing at his watch. "I'll wait for you then, give me pumpkin spice." I nodded walking over to make his hot drink. I rolled my eyes as I stood beside my co worker Haley, her eyes glued to an oblivious Harry that sat at a table nearest the counter, too engrossed in his phone.

"Haley!" I yelled, as the water from the sink over filled the rag bucket. I growled as she turned the faucet off, water all over the floor, and on my pants and shoes. I grunted in anger as she fumbled with the full bucket.

"This is why I don't let Harry come here," I groaned to myself, leaving her to clean her mess as I walked to Harry's table taking a seat. He thanked me, sipping the latte, motioning behind the counter with his brows furrowed.

"What was that back there?"

"Oh you know, just another co worker too busy ogling you and not pay attention to what they're doing. She got water everywhere and now my socks are all wet. It's freezing outside! I'm gonna catch pneumonia or some shit." I threw my hands up in exasperation, glaring as Harry laughed at me.

"I'm sorry, babe, the ladies love me. But they can't have me I've got my eye on this smoking brunette-"

"Stop!" I giggled, as we laughed knowing he was joking and that we were well past that. We were just friends and free to see other people if we'd like. I watched Harry as he glanced back at Haley in curiosity, a smile forming on her lips.

"So what's her baggage?"

I immediately delved into how she was almost engaged until her fiancé cheated on her. She put herself back in school and started working here about a year ago to pay for it. Harry nodded intrigued, not at all thrown off by the fact that she was almost married.

"I'll take it," I nodded, standing up to go back to work, and getting Haley's number for Harry, who was too excited that Harry had even noticed her.

That's pretty much how we were. If I saw someone I liked Harry would help me out and the other way around. We told eachother everything even down to our sex lives. It was comfortable because it was him, it was us.


I let out a deep sigh, as I got comfortable on Harry's bed, waiting for him to set up his laptop . It was the weekend again and all I wanted was to lay in bed, watch Netflix, and eat junk. Harry climbed in next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder, my head against his chest.

The AHS theme song played, and the episode hadn't even started yet and I was cringing. The intro itself was scary and creepy as hell.  This show was so unpredictable and you never knew what would happen next. Ever since the first time we'd watched it together, it took another 3 times before we decided on no loose foods while watching AHS. Although it was more for my sake I guess.

After I'd spilled popcorn the first time, beer, nerds candy, and then the most recent, fries. We'd learned our lesson. I smiled at the thought, biting into my snickers bar.

We watched AHS for hours, just relaxing and enjoying the silence with eachother until a loud curse boomed through the apartment.

"FUCK!" My widened eyes met Harry's own, pausing the show and sitting up.

"Fuck! Yes!"

I tried to register what I might be hearing but I was too shocked to believe it. I met Harry's eyes again, a grin on his lips as we spoke with our eyes. He nodded mouthing to me what I already knew.

"Zayn and Liz," he whispered, putting his finger up to his lips to shush me before moving off the bed and too his door. I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Don't go out there! He obviously thinks we're not here or asleep," I whisper yelled as a moan sounded.

"Ohhh, Zayn!"

"So what! This is great," Harry said back, getting his arm from my grasp and quietly opening his door. I watched in horror as Harry made a move to actually peek in on his best friend have sex. I shook my head, as I waited on the bed, looking up to see the door closed with Harry standing still beside it.

"Can't do it," he said as I gave him a questioning look.

I groaned as I realized we'd have to listen to this for who knows how long. My back hitting the mattress as I stared into the darkness of the room. The only light coming from his laptop, and the little slit under his bedroom door from the living room.

"Go all the way down." Was the last thing I heard, before drifting off oddly to the sounds of Zayn and Liz making love loudly and very enthusiastically. I'd never be able to look at them the same again.

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