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I ignore my friend as he held the punching bag steady in front of me . He continues to talk but I only focus on the music playing in my ears as I release a tiny bit of stress with each jab. His words go in and out at different parts of my music, my ears only picking up bits and pieces.

"She--there---on--please--stop--they--tomorrow," I grunt, as Zayn goes on and on. How could he not realize that I wasn't listening to whatever bullshit was coming out of his mouth. I sigh heavily, taking one swift kick and then punch to the bag, making Zayn stagger back a bit. He gives me a look which I ignore, walking off to grab my water bottle.

I pause the music, but soon regret it as Zayn starts talking again.

"Come on H, you know her. If you don't come she'll be all shitty for ages. Just do it, you're her bestfriend, she wants you there. It's really important to her." I roll my eyes, knowing Zayn was right. But there was a much bigger reason to why I didn't want to go.

He would be there. Her new so called "boyfriend", Brandon, or whatever the fuck his name was. I continue to ignore him, sipping my water and trying to catch my breath.

"No, stop fucking asking me." I spit out at him, deciding to leave so I wouldn't have to hear anymore of his pestering.


The alcohol burns my throat as I swallow it. Ignoring the buzz I'm already feeling after only two glasses. My stomach was empty, and I was taking every gulp to the head. Zayn was gone already, probably over to Emi's house. I knew she'd be pissed at me, and I'd get shit for making this about myself and my feelings. Feelings that she didn't know about, feelings that she would never know about.

I poured myself another glass, as the sounds of Michael Bubles' voice rang out through the living room. I was officially drunk now, but I didn't stop. This liquid courage was exactly what I needed to keep my mind from thinking about how he probably kissed her skin. How he touched her, held her, whispered things in her ear. Things that I so badly wanted to do to her. I didn't want anyone to know her like that. I knew she wasn't innocent, we'd both had plenty of partners in the past.

I knew something happened to her that made her the way she was. Distant, and carefree, always putting herself out there. But I wanted to change that, I wanted her to feel something that wasn't just for one night, and meaningless. But I suppose any chance of that was over when she turned me down months ago.

Before I knew, the entire glass bottle of the amber liquor was gone, and I felt like I was floating. My legs somehow seemed to work under my body, carrying me through the cool air of the city. The streets were fairly empty, but I may have hit a few walls, and tripped over air too many times. I can't even remember leaving my apartment, but somehow I was now standing in front of her door.

My hand came up to bang on the dark wooden door. I folded my arms across my chest, leaning my body against the wall for support, because any minute now I'd be falling on my ass.

Her smile was genuine when she opened the door. I smiled back, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her cheek. I leaned in close, smelling her hair, scent, sweet and natural.

"Helloooo," I whispered dragging out the word. But the smile that had graced her lips previously, disappeared when she realized my state of mind.

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