Chapter 13

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I wanted to scream all my questions at him, I wanted to run over and pull those stupid rabbit ears off his head, I wanted to slap him for always running from me, but I didn't , instead I said a measly hi.
May walks over and sits right on his lap, "Long time no see right." She laughs flicking his bent rabbit ear. He snickers looking up at me then juts his chin up at me asking, "Who's she."
"She's my friend! Her names Finn. I met her a couple days ago and I met her once when we were little. We're like best buds ya know." She smiles.
"Uh yeah.... best buds." I offer an awkward smile. I'm so confused by this whole situation and no one seems to be confused like me.
"I've seen you before." Wander boy looks up at me squinting his eyes a little.
"Yeah." I say trying to keep my cool. I decided to just let it all go and ask all the questions, I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Why do you always run? And why do you always run from me? And what's your name? What's up with the stupid bunny ears? Did you and May know each other before? Why do you live here? Where's your parents?" I blurted out at once.
Wander boy bit his lip and chuckled, "Want some tea?" He asked.
"No I don't want any tea." I walk closer to him, "I want answers!" I huff.
  "Okay uh... no May and I didn't know each other before this." He smiles, "We just met the other day."
"Then why is she sitting on your lap?" I ask.
"That's a stupid question! I can sit wherever I want, you know, it's a free country. We're just good friends now!" May explains.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, good friends after one day? Makes no sense to me.
"Why are you always running?" I ask wander boy.
"There's nothing better to do, it's fun. " He says like that was an obvious answer.
"You're always sneaking around when you do it though." I say, " well not sneaking around but you're mysterious about it I guess."
"A mans gotta do what he's gotta do. " he replies.
"A boy I think you mean." I huff crossing my arms not liking the answers I'm getting.
"My names Liam, Liam Hopper. " He holds out a hand.

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