Chapter 23

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"I will set this house on fire if you aren't out here in 2 minutes." The voices scream from outside. I'm breathing heavily panicking. I don't know what to do. Sam stares at me eyes wide trying to figure out how to get us out of this mess.
"You hide and ill go open the door and ask what they want. " He offers a smile and gets up.
"Wait no! You can't. I don't want to bring you into my own mess." I hold my tears back.
"Times almost up girly. " Nicks voice booms through the door.
"I'm going to open the door." Sam gets up and disappears into the hallway, I panic and go hide in the closet. The doors closed and my head rests on my knee caps, holding myself tight. I strain to hear what they're saying through the walls. I hear Sam explain to Nick that he hasn't seen me and he doesn't know where I am. Nick calls him out on lying and Sam explains that he just wants to go back to sleep. I can't hear what they're saying for a little while until I hear Nick scream that he's lying to him. I hear a crashing sound and I pray everything's okay. I hear Nick say that if I wasn't here my bag wouldn't be on the floor. I hold my breath hoping he doesn't find me and I mentally curse at myself for not bringing my stuff in here. There's another mans voice but I don't recognize it. I hear nothing else from Sam. Nicks boots creak over the hardwood floor getting closer and closer to the bedroom. I shrink as far back into the closet as I can. I can only hope he's stupid enough to not check the closet but I know he will. Time ticks by and my muscles are tense. I hear voices right outside the closet door. The door pulls open and I'm blinding by the light and two figures.
"Dumb dumb girl." Nick laughs reaching in for me and pulling me to my feet.
"Let go of me." I push him off.
His friend stands in front of the door not letting me escape. He's a bigger guy with a beard that's partially grown in. He looks like he belongs in a trailer park. I turn and make a run towards the window but Nick grabs me around the waist and carries me out the door. I continue to kick him in the shin as he carries me through the house but he doesn't seem fazed by it.
In the living room the lamp is knocked over and the glass bulb is broken. Sam lies on the floor by my bag bleeding out of his eyebrow and unconscious. I scream for him to wake up and try twisting out of Nicks grip.
"He's gonna be knocked out for awhile sweetheart. " Nicks friend snickers.
"What do you want with me!" I yell at them as they push me into the car.
  "You're not a very good child, so we're taking care of it." Nick smiles.
"You could have just let me be. I didn't plan on coming back. " I cross my arms. They both ignore me and continue driving. I slowly pull up the lock on the car carefully unlocking it. What I'm about to do is gonna hurt so bad but I can't risk being with them. I take a deep breath and count down from five. Once I hit zero I rip the door open and jump out rolling when I hit the ground like I see in movies. I don't give myself anytime to recover and I shoot up running the opposite direction of the van. The van screeched to a stop when I jumped out. I'm assuming they aren't far behind. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, through the pain of hitting the paved road and everything.
Slow and steady wins the race. How far will they chase me? Where will I go? I take a quick look behind me and notice the vans not in the road and the guys aren't following me so I stop and breathe. I'm close to the train tracks and swings so I head over to them and sit on one. The suns  starting to come up and the crisp air of the night is fading away. I'm freaking out. Mentally and physically. Nick is crazy and I've known it from the start. Here I am sitting on the swings, the place that started wander boy. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him watching me lately like he always does.
  I hear the loud roar of the van behind me and I stand up quickly looking, the van is heading straight towards me and the swings. I panic again and dart towards the train tracks quickly climbing up the side of the train car and jumping on. The van flies through the swing set breaking it down and crushing the seats. It turns and heads towards the still train cars. I'm as high up as I can go and ready to spring down them away from Nick. The van stops and Nick and his buddy climbs out.
"That's it Finn. Get off of those right now and get in. " He yells.
"No never!" I scream towards him.
He says something to his friend I can't hear and grabs something from his car. Everything happens quickly and before I know it I'm on the ground, the grass swaying around me. Nick pulled out a gun and shot me twice in the leg and once in the side making me fall forward and onto the ground. Everything around me is too bright and my head hurts. I see Wander boy and May running towards me as I lie on the ground bleeding. I'm trying to get to them but they're so far away. Nick laughs from above me and grabs onto me pulling me up. I see Wander boy and May again before everything goes black.

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