Chapter 17

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It's 4:30 am and I am stumbling through the woods as I rub sleepy seeds out of my eyes. The wind whistles through my hair pushing it out of my face and the faint sound of a train whistles in the distance. The dewy grass sticks to my converse as I make my way down the path I swear I remember. Am I walking in circles? My mind has finally cleared itself after the terrible nightmares I've had all night. I listened to what my nightmare told me and I left. Things just didn't feel right anymore. I can't shake the ominous feeling I have.
I finally make my way to the overgrown house that Wander boy occupies. I find my way towards the back of the house and let myself inside. I'm hoping he's home.
"Liam?" I call stepping into his dark house. No reply.
  "Liam hopper?" I try again walking deeper into the house. I stumble around searching for a light when I find him curled up on the couch. His bunny ears fallen to the floor exposing his flop of hair. I kneeled on the floor next to the couch and sat waiting for him to wake up. It would be rude to wake him from his dreams.
  As the sun crept in through the cracked windows I watched Liam's chest rise and fall and how his rosy cheeks glew. His eyes started to flutter and he looked up at me confused.
  "Why are you here." He grumbled wiping the sleep from his eyes.
  "I don't wanna stay home anymore." I whispered.
  He looked at me suspiciously, "too bad." He said rolling over facing away from me.
"I need to stay here." I tell him.
"Go home. " He put his arm over his head.
"No, I'm staying here. Have you seen May?" I asked.
"I have no clue where she is and I don't care." He grumpily said.
"I thought you liked each other though?" I asked sitting up on my knees and peeking over his shoulder.
  "Didn't I tell you to go home." He repeated.
"Do you not like her anymore?" I asked him. He ignored me. I tapped Liam's shoulder hoping for a reply. There was none.
"Liam," I tapped his shoulder again and leaned  my head against his arm, "why are you always so upset?" I asked.
"You never leave things alone do you! You always have to have the answer to everything right?" He angrily rolled over and got off the couch walking over to the kitchen as he pushed his hair off his forehead.
I picked at the fabric in the couch," I'm sorry."
"Sure you are." He said pouring a cup of coffee and bringing it over. "What do you want again?" He asked me sitting down on the couch.
"A place to stay." I look up at him from the floor. He sat there thinking about it for awhile.
"Fine. But don't watch me sleep again that's creepy. " Liam took a sip of his coffee.
"I wasn't-" I try sticking up for myself as May busts through the door.
"THERES A BABY DEER OUTSIDE IT WAS SO CUTE YOU SHOULD SEE IT COME ON LETS GO!" She screamed running around. I looked up at Wander boy giggling a bit as he looked slightly amused. We followed May outside and crouched in the tall grass.
"Look just beyond those two trees. You see it?" She whispered. There it was. A baby deer siting in a patch of grass. It looked so calm and peaceful, I could just imagine life as a deer. Calm. Something startled the Bambi and it took off into the darker parts of the woods.
"That was so cool." I whispered.
~ ~ ~

"So you're never going home?" May asked playing with the string on her yellow tennis shoes. I shook my head at her. She was crazy if she thought I was gonna go back to that place.
  "We should change your looks. " She looked up excitedly. "New hairstyle or something! Since you're living on the edge." She winked.
"I mean I guess." I bit the inside of my cheek and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Moment later I found myself sitting on a chair watching pieces of hair fall to the floor. We had also found some color dye that May is making me use. Soon enough I had lavender hair that reached just above my collarbones. Liam walked in the kitchen and stopped to look at my hair.
"Don't you just love it!" May squealed spinning in a circle.
"Sure." He shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I wonder what his problem always is.

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