Chapter 24

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Everything's dark, and everything hurts. I am not here nor there. I am everything.
  Cold. I am cold. I am laying in cold water. Too cold. I open my eyes and look down. I am wearing red shorts too loose around my waist and a white shirt that sticks to my sides. I'm in a bath half full of cold water. My thigh is horribly wrapped and my side is still bleeding out. Where am I? I get up and out of the bath, the room is dim and dirty. The mirror is cracked and dusty. I try pulling on the door handle but it's locked. Were they just gonna let me die here? Theres a small window that sits above the yellowish toilet and I attempt to open it. With a loud squeak it pops open and the screen falls out and hits my feet. I lift my body up to the ledge of the window and wiggle my way out, it takes all of my strength that I have left and my head is pounding. I land in the grass and look around. There's an alley that heads out to the street. I still have no idea which part of town I'm in. I look around trying to find the best way to leave. I see wander boy crouching in the bushes. He motions for me to follow him, so I make my way over the harsh rocks in the alley and follow him out and to a patch of woods.
"We tried saving you Finn." Wander boy tells me running next to me.
"I understand. " I say. "Ow my head really hurts." I put my hand against it and sit down.
"Finn we have to go, we have no time to sit, do you wanna end up back there?" He points to the house in the distance.
"No, but it hurts so bad. " I lay down on the ground.
"Finn, we have to leave!" Wander boy is yelling at me trying to get me up but I just lay there staring at the forest ceiling listening to the blood in my ears.
~ ~ ~ ~
"Shhh she's sleeping." Someone says.
"There's missing signs out for her though. " another voice says.
"So what? She's hurt she needs to rest. " A voice says, the deeper one. 
"They're gonna think we kidnapped her!" The higher voice says.
There's silence after that, I find the strength to open my eyes and look around. I'm in Wander boys house, but it's dark and no one is around me. My head is pounding as I struggle to sit up trying to piece everything together. I am scared. I fear that Nick will come back for me, or no one will come back to the house and I'll be alone. I can't be alone. Suddenly I think of Sam. Is he alright? I need to find him but I don't know if it's safe outside. Nick could be looking for me, or worse, he's waiting outside. I build up the courage and head out the door anyway ignoring the sicking feeling I have in my gut. It's warm outside and the moonlight is shinning down through the trees onto my skin making me look sickly pale. I make my way through the forest and to Sams house.

When I arrive there's only one light shining through a window and the front door is unlocked. I step inside looking around. Nothing has been cleaned up but Sam is missing. The kitchen light is the only light on as I make my way down the hall and into the bedroom. I peek in looking around for the gorgeous boy that I brought into this mess.
"I figured you'd come back here, dumb girl."

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