Chapter one

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  The first time I saw the lonely train car, my friends Matthew and Elina had invited me to the park that sits next to it. Matthew is a tall skinny boy who styles curly black hair that stops right above his eyebrows. He hates the city and loves listening to Lorde. Elina dislikes her name. No one is allowed to call her by her full name, or at least that's what she says. I don't even think her mother does anymore. She likes to be called Eli. People say it's boyish but she could care less. Last summer we all changed. We grew older and more tired. We all became so done with the same day to day bullshit we all have to endure. We spend our lives learning in a system to go to work then to die. A never ending cycle. Matthew called the first meeting that summer. He told us to meet him at the old train tracks off of Cranberry street. The train tracks where the lonely train car sat. It never moved. Abandoned probably.When Eli and I arrived at the park we found seats at the swings. Matthew had began pacing in the dirt in front of us. I remember how he threw his arms up in the air yelling how we needed to get out of this town soon and break free of the cycle that we were doomed for from the day we were born. He told us we needed to go on some whimsical journey across the world or get out of this city. Eli and I had just exchanged looks, a look that said, this boy is dreaming too much.
No one knew Matthew like Eli and I did. At school he wore khakis and polo shirts. He was a track star and top of his class. Everyone called him Matt and every girl drooled over him. Outside of school he was a skater boy who wore skinny black jeans and band tees. Neither Eli or I drooled over him. We've all been best friends since 2nd grade. Mrs. Arnold's class was where we met. Our lockers were practically right next to eachother. No one knew us like we knew each other, and we refused to let anyone else into our little "clique".
  Eli has green eyes and green hair that almost matches exactly. She tends to colorful socks with a random outfit everyday.Eli has always been straight up to people, and not very popular at school because of it. To be totally honest I think she's got a couple freshman scared out of their socks. The other students tend to stay out of her way.
  That night after we listened to Matthew discuss his plans of world domination and adventure, I watched my friends head back to the places where our dreams were brushed under the carpet and left for long nights of dreaming. I sat on the swings that night watching my friends silhouettes disappear in the distance. I remember how that was the first night I caught a glimpse of him. Still sitting on the swings something in the distance caught my eye. He was human, but he wore funny bunny ears on his head. When I saw him that night in the park I believed I had been seeing things or someone was playing a game with me.
On the way home that night I couldn't help but feel the weirdest feeling. It was like I could feel everything around me changing, my head hurt a little too. I was thinking that maybe Matthews long rants about our society go into my head. Before drifting off to sleep that night I thought about the boy with the bun ears on his head.

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