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When the city is quiet and my moms head finally hits the pillow, I sneak out the back window in my room. Then dart across the overgrown grass in our backyard and into the dim alley way. I follow that out to the road where cars have suddenly vanished and only the sound of trees rustling in the wind or faint howling can be heard. Every night I head over to the train tracks where a lonely train car sits waiting for me. Decorated with the words angel, graffitied in green paint. Blue streaks swirl around the word giving it personality. It's a beautiful piece of art really, my favorite masterpiece. This lonely train car and rusted park feels like home to me. It calls to me at night. Inviting me to explore, or abandon the place that doesn't feel like home. There's also one other oddity that calls me here, the boy who wears pink bunny ears tightly around his head.

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