Chapter 4

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Midnight, the city sleeps once again and I am the only one awake. I am the only one that lives in this world. I am the only survivor. That's what I wish at least. The silence is so much better than listening to anything.
Eli and Matthew finally show up, I see them walking across the field towards where I'm rested on the swing. It's my turn to stand up and pace this time.
I begin with, "Okay guys just hear me through."
They exchange looks and nod for me to keep going.
"There's this boy, who wears these funny bunny ears on his head, and he's always here! I see him every night!"
I'm stopped by Eli, "Why are you here every night exactly?"
"Because I want to know who this thing is! He follows me around. He's always there it seems like, just watching. " I throw my arms up in the air.
"Finn? Are you sure that's what you're seeing? Like maybe you didn't see him correctly. " Matthew assured me.
"No, I know what I saw. Now I need the help to catch him! We will wait for him tonight then chase after him." I sit down in the dirt watching the train car, waiting, waiting, waiting. No one says anything.
I jump up from the ground, "There he is!" I scream running towards wander boy.
My friends don't follow so I yell, "What are you waiting for he's getting away!"
Matt gets up and sprints towards me, just as wander boy disappears once again and I am once again a failure. I sit on the edge of the train tracks. Matthew sits next to me as Eli starts to walk over.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see him." Matthew said.
"Me either, I wasn't paying attention really to be fully honest. " Eli stated.
"It's alright guys. " I said pulling grass out of the ground.
"You okay Finn? " Matthew said poking my knee.
"Yeah I'm good, just tired. Let's all go home." I spoke standing. My friends agreed and followed me into the dark streets of the city.

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