Chapter 25

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It's Nick. I've fallen into one of his stupid traps just like Alice fell down the rabbit hole. I turn towards him taking a deep breath ready for wonderland. I don't struggle this time because there's no point in wasting my energy and getting myself more hurt. My side throbs from where I was shot as Nick pulls me through the house. The only thing I ask is where Sam is. I get no answer. All I can hope is that he is okay.
The car ride is silent and I am closely watched. He wouldn't want me jumping out of the car again. When we arrive at the place I was before, I assume it's his house, or one of his buddies, I get out of the car myself and follow him.
"Where's my mom?" I ask him.
"She's at home, creating missing posters for you." He snickers unlocking the door.
"Wait." I say crossing my arms. "She doesn't even care about me why would she do that?" I ask confused.
"Your mom is very bipolar. " He offers a genuine smile.
"So why don't you just take me back home?" I follow him inside his dark house.
"Because." He says leaning towards me and closing the door behind me with his arm trapping me between him and the door. "We don't need you in our life, in our future. You see, soon she'll forget about you and take the posters down and not care. Then your mom and I can live happily ever after and you, will stay here, or just die. Whichever. " he shrugs looking down at me still trapped.
"So you're just gonna lock me up and let me die? " I ask.
"Yeah or whatever. " he laughs moving back un trapping me.
"I have friends that will come find me. " I stand up for myself.
"Yeah I have a hard time believing that. Especially cause the only friend you seemed to have... well.. I took care of him. Now follow me." Nick turns around and grabs my wrist pulling me towards a long dark hallway and into a small room with one window that is covered in boards letting the moonlight slightly shine in. The only thing occupying the room is a small twin bed that sits in the corner. Nick makes me sit on the bed and chains my ankle to the pole of the bed.
"This chain is a little longer for you so you can sleep and move around a little easier. " He says smiling like that's something to be happy about. "Don't try to escape because I'm not the only guy here, there's locks outside your door, locks on the front door, and locks on the windows. Except the bathroom window but we fixed that after your first escape. Also, if you try escaping you'll be punished. Food and water will be brought to you when it's time and here's a bucket to pee in. Goodnight angel. " Nick kisses me on the forehead and leaves closing the door behind him. I hear the locks click in place as he locks each one. I count four. I lay down on the bed and curl up in a ball with the thin scratchy blanket covering me, my eyes well up with tears as I try to fall asleep. This isn't how I ever expected my life would go. I fall asleep dreaming of sunny days and laughter. I miss my old friends, I miss my old life. How will I get myself out of this mess? Where is Sam? Where is wander boy? Who will save me?

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